14. Employment Law

Updated to 11 March 2025 (Act No. 1 of 2025 and S.I. No. 76 of 2025)

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14.1. Agricultural Employment Premium Payment

  • none
  • none
1 The scheme instituted by this Act expired on 8 January 1977, rendering the Act spent; it should be repealed.
2 This amending Act is also obsolete and should be repealed.

14.2. Consultation of Employees

Enterprise 3 20/1996
Enterprise 9/2006

Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011.

14.3. Employers’ Employment Contribution Scheme

  • none
4 This Act is obsolete/spent and should be repealed.

14.4. Employment Agencies

Enterprise 5 27/1971

Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

6 This SI supersedes S.I. Nos. 318 of 1976 and 319 of 1988, which should be revoked.

14.5. Employment Equality

Children 7 21/1998
  • none
  • none
Children 20/2021

See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. Enterprise (in part): see S.I. No. 531 of 2012. Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. Previously Justice, other than section 27(2) and section 37(4), see S.I. No. 217 of 2010 and S.I. No. 139 of 2011. 


The enabling provision is Employment Equality Act 1977 (16/1977), s. 14(2), repealed by 21/1998, s. 5(1). Orders made under this provision (s. 14) were stated to remain unaffected as if the section remained in force by 21/1998, s. 5(2).  This provision was repealed (2.08.2011) by 23/2011, s. 20, commenced on enactment. This SI therefore ceased to have effect on repeal of the provision which continued it in force. It should be revoked with effect from 2.08.2011 for clarity.

9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.

Expired at end of academic year 2002/2003.


Expired at end of academic year 2007/2008.


Expired at end of academic year 2012/2013.


Expires at end of academic year 2017/2018.

15 Responsibility of Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.

14.6. Employment Guarantee Fund

  • none
  • none

14.7. Employment Permits

  • none
Enterprise 16/2006
  • none
Enterprise 26/2014
Enterprise 17/2024

14.8. Employment Training and Regulation 16

16 See S.I. No. 187 of 2010.
Higher Ed 17 25/2013
Education 38/2009
Higher Ed 31 41/2000
Higher Ed 32 5/1967

See S.I. No. 451 of 2020. 

18 Repealed Labour Services Act 1987 (15/1987). S.I. Nos. 248 of 1987 and 168 of 1997 made under that Act ceased to have effect on repeal of their enabling provisions and should be revoked.
19 Schemes then in force made under Labour Services Act 1987 (15/1987) by the now dissolved An Foras Áiseanna Saothair were continued in force by Further Education and Training Act 2013 (25/2013), s. 44.
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid.
22 Ibid.
23 Ibid.

Also made under Industrial Training Act 1967 (5/1967).


 Also made under Industrial Training Act 1967 (5/1967).


Also made under Industrial Training Act 1967 (5/1967).


Also made under Industrial Training Act 1967 (5/1967).


Also made under Industrial Training Act 1967 (5/1967).


Also made under Industrial Training Act 1967 (5/1967)

30 Spent on repeal of Labour Services Act 1987 (15/1987) by further Education and Training Act 2013 (25/2013), s. 4, this Act should be repealed and related commencement order revoked.

See S.I. No. 451 of 2020. Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 


See S.I. No. 451 of 2020. Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

33 The enabling provision for this and following SIs to 1966 is Apprenticeship Act 1959 (39/1959), s. 22(1); they were continued in effect by Industrial Training Act 1967 (5/1967), s. 49(1)(a).
34 Also made under Further Education and Training Act 2013 (25/2013).
35 Also made under Further Education and Training Act 2013 (25/2013).
36 Also made under Further Education and Training Act 2013 (25/2013).
37 Also made under Further Education and Training Act 2013 (25/2013).
38 Also made under Further Education and Training Act 2013 (25/2013).
39 Also made under Further Education and Training Act 2013 (25/2013).

14.9. Industrial Disputes and Industrial Relations

Enterprise 40 26/1946
Enterprise 91 14/1969
Enterprise 92 15/1976
Enterprise 94 19/1990
Enterprise 11/2001
Enterprise 4/2004
Enterprise 32/2012
Enterprise 27/2015
Enterprise 21/2019

Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

41 A number of Trade Boards were established by statutory rules and orders made under Trade Boards Act 1909, and were continued in effect as Joint Labour Committees under ss. 53 and 54 and abolished in due course. The statutory rules and orders establishing such defunct Joint Labour Committees are obsolete and should be revoked, as should SIs made by the now defunct Committees. They are listed below.
42 As a result of the judgment in John Grace Fried Chicken Limited and John Grace and Quick Service Food Alliance Limited v The Catering Joint Labour Committee, the Labour Court, Ireland and the Attorney General [2011] IEHC 277, SIs made under the provisions declared unconstitutional (ss. 42, 43 and 45 of 26/1946 and s. 48 of 19/1990) ceased to have effect and should be revoked.
43 Committee abolished by Paper Box Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1963, S.I. No. 113 of 1963, this SI should be revoked.
44 Committee abolished by Tailoring Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2008, S.I. No. 332 of 2008, this SI should be revoked.
45 Committee abolished by Women's Clothing and Millinery Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2008, S.I. No. 333 of 2008, this SI should be revoked.
46 Committee abolished by Shirtmaking Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2008, S.I. No. 331 of 2008, this SI should be revoked.
47 Committee abolished by Aerated Waters and Wholesale Bottling Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2012, S.I. No. 389 of 2012, this SI should be revoked.
48 Committee abolished by Boot and Shoe Repairing Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1988, S.I. No. 204 of 1988, this SI should be revoked.
49 Committee abolished by Brush and Broom Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2007, S.I. No. 625 of 2007, this SI should be revoked.
50 This was made under Trade Boards Act 1909 and continued in effect as a Joint Labour Committee under 26/1946, s. 53; however, it appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
51 Committee abolished by Sugar Confectionery Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1978, S.I. No. 344 of 1978, this SI should be revoked.
52 Committee abolished by Tobacco Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1978, S.I. No. 343 of 1978, this SI should be revoked.
53 Committee abolished by General Waste Materials Reclamation Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1988, S.I. No. 205 of 1988, this SI should be revoked.
54 Committee abolished by Packing Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1979, S.I. No. 186 of 1979, this SI should be revoked.
55 Committee abolished by Rope, Twine and Net Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1978, S.I. No. 342 of 1978, this SI should be revoked.
56 Committee abolished by Button Making Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1984, S.I. No. 39 of 1984, this SI should be revoked.
57 Committee abolished by Handkerchief and Household Piece Goods Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2008 (S.I. No. 330 of 2008), this SI should be revoked.
58 Committee abolished by Messengers (Cork City) Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1984, S.I. No. 40 of 1984, this SI should be revoked.
59 Committee abolished by Creameries Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1978, S.I. No. 340 of 1978, this SI should be revoked.
60 Committee abolished by Tailoring Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2008, S.I. No. 332 of 2008, this SI should be revoked.
61 Committee abolished by Messengers (Dublin City and Dún Laoghaire) Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1988, S.I. No. 206 of 1988, this SI should be revoked.
62 Committee abolished by Women's Clothing and Millinery Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2008, S.I. No. 333 of 2008, this SI should be revoked.
63 Committee abolished by Tailoring Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2008, S.I. No. 332 of 2008, this SI should be revoked.
64 Committee abolished by Aerated Waters and Wholesale Bottling Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2012, S.I. No. 389 of 2012, this SI should be revoked.
65 Committee abolished by Messengers (Waterford City) Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1984, S.I. No. 42 of 1984, this SI should be revoked.
66 Committee abolished by Messengers (Limerick City) Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1984, S.I. No. 41 of 1984, this SI should be revoked.
67 Committee abolished by Brush and Broom Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2007, S.I. No. 625 of 2007, this SI should be revoked.
68 Committee abolished by Provender Milling Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2012, S.I. No. 391 of 2012, this SI should be revoked.
69 Ibid.
70 Committee abolished by Sugar Confectionery Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 1978, S.I. No. 344 of 1978, this SI should be revoked.
71 Committee abolished by Brush and Broom Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2007, S.I. No. 625 of 2007, this SI should be revoked.
72 Committee abolished by Hairdressing Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2009, S.I. No. 44 of 2009, this SI should be revoked.
73 Superseded by Employment Regulation Order (Hairdressing Joint Labour Committee) 1969, S.I. No. 5 of 1969, this SI should be revoked.
74 This SI is obsolete and should be revoked.
75 Ibid.
76 Ibid.
77 Superseded (16.11.1970) by Employment Regulation Order (Hairdressing Joint Labour Committee) 1970, S.I. No. 254 of 1970, this SI should be revoked.
78 Committee abolished by Hairdressing (Cork County Borough) Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2009, S.I. No. 43 of 2009, this SI should be revoked.
79 Committee abolished by Contract Cleaning (City and County of Dublin) Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2007, S.I. No. 624 of 2007, this SI should be revoked.
80 Superseded (1.02.1986) by Employment Regulation Order (Contract Cleaning (City and County of Dublin) Joint Labour Committee) 1986, S.I. No. 16 of 1986, this SI should be revoked.

Superseded (1.07.1987) by Employment Regulation Order (Contract Cleaning (City and County of Dublin) Joint Labour Committee), 1987 S.I. No. 157 of 1987, this SI should be revoked.


Superseded (5.06.1989) by Employment Regulation Order (Contract Cleaning (City and County of Dublin) Joint Labour Committee) 1989, S.I. No. 131 of 1989, this SI should be revoked.

83 Committee abolished by Contract Cleaning (Excluding the City and County of Dublin) Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2007, S.I. No. 623 of 2007, this SI should be revoked.
84 Committee abolished by Clothing Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2012, S.I. No. 390 of 2012, this SI should be revoked.
85 Committee abolished by Law Clerks Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2014, S.I. No. 29 of 2014, this SI should be revoked.
86 The enabling provision was declared unconstitutional in John Grace Fried Chicken Ltd and Others -v- Catering Joint Labour Committee and Others [2011] IEHC 277, and this SI is without effect and should be revoked.
87 Ibid.

Replaced (1.07.2024) by Employment Regulation Order (Security Industry Joint Labour Committee) 2024 (S.I. No. 319 of 2024), this SI should be revoked.


Contract Cleaning (City and County of Dublin) Joint Labour Committee abolished 14 September 2007, S.I. No. 624 of 2007, art. 1


Contract Cleaning (City and County of Dublin) Joint Labour Committee abolished 14 September 2007, S.I. No. 624 of 2007, art. 1


Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 


Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

93 The enabling provision is Agricultural Wages Act 1936 (53/1936), which was repealed by s. 6(1) of 15/1976, with a saver for regulations in subs. (2): (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, any order made under section 17 of the Agricultural Wages Act, 1936 , and in force at the commencement of this section shall continue in force and be deemed to be an employment regulation order. The SI appears to be superseded the Agricultural Joint Labour Committee mechanism under the Industrial Relations Act 1946 (26/1946) and should be revoked.

Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

95 This SI appears to be superseded by Industrial Relations Act, 1990 (Code of Practice on Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures) (Declaration) Order 2000, S.I. No. 146 of 2000, and should be revoked.
96 Committee abolished by Contract Cleaning (Excluding the City and County of Dublin) Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2007, S.I. No. 623 of 2007, this SI should be revoked.

14.10. Maternity Protection, Adoptive, Carers’ and Parental Leave

Children 97 34/1994
Children 99 28/2004
Children 100 2/1995
Children 101 25/2005
Children 102 30/1998
Children 103
  • none
Children 104
  • none
Children 105 11/2016
Children 106 11/2019
Children 107 35/2019
Local Gov
  • none
Children 8/2023
Children 37/2024

See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. Previously Justice: see S.I. No. 139 of 2011 and Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

98 S.I. Nos. 357 and 358 of 1981 were made under Maternity Protection of Employees Act 1981, repealed by 34/1994, s. 6(1), subject to continuation in force of these SIs by s. 6(4). They were replaced by S.I. Nos. 17 and 18 of 1995 and are now superseded and should be revoked.

See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. Previously Justice, see S.I. No. 139 of 2011.


See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. Previously Justice, see S.I. No. 139 of 2011. Certain functions Public Exp, see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 


See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. Previously Justice, see S.I. No. 139 of 2011.


See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. Previously Justice, see S.I. No. 139 of 2011.


See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. Previously Justice, see S.I. No. 139 of 2011.


See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. 


See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. 


See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. 


See S.I. No. 436 of 2020. 

14.11. Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment

Enterprise 108 4/1973
Enterprise 109 5/1994
Enterprise 38/2018

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Social: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. 


See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Social: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017.  

14.12. Minimum Wage

Enterprise 110 5/2000
Enterprise 22/2015

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Enterprise: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. 

111 Superseded by National Minimum Wage Act 2000 (Section 11) Order 2011, S.I. No. 13 of 2011, this SI should be revoked.
112 Superseded by National Minimum Wage Act 2000 (Section 11) (No. 2) Order 2011, S.I. No. 331 of 2011, this SI should be revoked.

Superseded by National Minimum Wage Order 2015, S.I. No. 442 of 2015, from 1 January 2016, this SI should be revoked.


Superseded by National Minimum Wage Order 2016 (S.I. No. 516 of 2016), this SI should be revoked.


Superseded by National Minimum Wage Order 2017 (S.I. No. 440 of 2017), this SI should be revoked.

14.13. Part-Time, Fixed-Term and Temporary Agency Employees

14.13.1. Part-Time and Fixed-Term Employees

Enterprise 116 45/2001
Enterprise 117
  • none

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Enterprise: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. 


See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Enterprise: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. 

14.13.2. Temporary Agency Employees

Enterprise 118
  • none

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Enterprise: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. 

14.14. Payment of Wages

Enterprise 119 25/1991
Enterprise 23/2022

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Social: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017, Enterprise and Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

14.15. Protected Disclosures and Whistleblowing

Public Exp 14/2014
Public Exp 27/2022
120 Also listed at Title 10.2.17: Bribery and Corruption.

14.16. Redundancy and Employer Insolvency 121

121 Transferred from Enterprise to Social from 1 January 2011, with the exception of s. 39(7) of 1967 Act.

14.16.1. Redundancy Payments

Enterprise 122 21/1967
Social 123 20/1971
Social 11/1973
Social 7/1979
Social 14/2003
Social 3/2022

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Social: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 


Enterprise (in part): see S.I. No. 438 of 2020. 

14.16.2. Collective Redundancies

Enterprise 124 7/1977
Enterprise 125 27/2007
Enterprise 14/2024

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. 


See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Enterprise: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. 

126 Extended period of scheme for three years to 8 May 2013. This SI is obsolete/spent and should be revoked.
127 Extended period of scheme for further three years to 8 May 2016.
128 Extended period of scheme for further three years to 8 May 2019.

14.16.3. Corporate Insolvency Payments

Enterprise 129 21/1984

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. 

14.16.4. Hospitals’ Trust Former Employees

Enterprise 130
  • none

Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

131 Appears to be obsolete/spent since at least 2006, and should be repealed.

14.17. Safety, Health and Welfare 132

132 See also Title 31: Public Safety.
Enterprise 10/2005
Enterprise 10/1955
Enterprise 7/1965
Enterprise 9/1980
Enterprise 18/1987
133 Section 4(4) provides for the continuation of existing instruments under this Act: (4) Subject to subsection (3), in so far as any instrument (including any order or regulation) made or issued and any other thing done under an existing enactment set out in Part 1 of Schedule 2 is in force immediately before the repeal of such enactment by subsection (2) could have been made, issued or done under a corresponding provision of this Act, it shall not be invalidated by the repeals effected by subsection (2) but, except in so far as this Act otherwise provides, shall continue in force as if made, issued or done under this Act. Such of these instruments as remain in effect are listed below.
134 Originally made under Safety, Health and Welfare At Work Act 1989, this SI was continued in effect by 10/2005, s. 4(4). However, it concerns commencement of provisions of a repealed Act and should be revoked.
135 Ibid.
136 Originally made under Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989 (7/1989), this SI was continued in effect by 10/2005, s. 4(4) .
137 Originally made under Safety, Health and Welfare At Work Act 1989, this SI was continued in effect by 10/2005, s. 4(4). However, it concerns commencement of provisions of a repealed Act and should be revoked.
138 Originally made under Safety, Health and Welfare At Work Act 1989, this SI was continued in effect by 10/2005, s. 4(4). However, it concerns commencement of provisions of a repealed Act and should be revoked.
139 Originally made under Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989 (7/1989), this SI was continued in effect by 10/2005, s. 4(4) .
140 Ibid.
141 Ibid.
142 Ibid.
143 Ibid.
144 Ibid.
145 Ibid.
146 Ibid.
147 Repealed by Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (10/2005), s. 4(1), repeal only partially commenced. When fully commenced, s. 4(4) of the 2005 Act provides for continuation in effect of existing SIs: (4) Subject to subsection (3), in so far as any instrument (including any order or regulation) made or issued and any other thing done under an existing enactment set out in Part 1 of Schedule 2 is in force immediately before the repeal of such enactment by subsection (2) could have been made, issued or done under a corresponding provision of this Act, it shall not be invalidated by the repeals effected by subsection (2) but, except in so far as this Act otherwise provides, shall continue in force as if made, issued or done under this Act.
148 Originally made under Factory and Workshop Act 1901, this SI was continued in effect by Factories Act 1955 (10/1955), s. 8, and on its repeal not yet commenced, by 10/2005, s. 4(4) .
149 Ibid.
150 The enabling Act is Factory and Workshop Act 1901, repealed by Factories Act 1955 (10/1955), s. 7; these regulations are retained under s. 8.
151 Ibid.
152 Ibid.
153 Ibid.
154 Ibid.
155 Ibid., this SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
156 The enabling provisions are Factories Act, 1955 (10/1955), ss. 86(1)(l), 88(2) and 89(2) . Section 86(1)(l) was repealed by the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 1989 (7/1989) subject to a saver for regulations in s. 29(4). On repeal of the other enabling provisions by Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, s. 4, there is a saver in s. 4(4) to continue existing SIs in effect.
157 Repealed by Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (10/2005), s. 4(1). The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (Quarries) (Repeals and Revocations) (Commencement) Order 2008 (S.I. No. 29 of 2008) activated the repeal in so far as that Act relates to quarries and revoked all regulations made under that Act as they relate to quarries.
158 Repealed by Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (10/2005), s. 4(1), repeal only partially commenced. When fully commenced, s. 4(4) of the 2005 Act provides for continuation in effect of existing SIs: (4) Subject to subsection (3), in so far as any instrument (including any order or regulation) made or issued and any other thing done under an existing enactment set out in Part 1 of Schedule 2 is in force immediately before the repeal of such enactment by subsection (2) could have been made, issued or done under a corresponding provision of this Act, it shall not be invalidated by the repeals effected by subsection (2) but, except in so far as this Act otherwise provides, shall continue in force as if made, issued or done under this Act.
159 Ibid.

14.18. Trade Unions

Enterprise 34 & 35 Vict., c. 31
  • none
38 & 39 Vict., c. 86
  • none
39 & 40 Vict., c. 22
  • none
2 & 3 Geo. 5, c. 30
  • none
Enterprise 160 22/1941
  • none
Enterprise 17/1947
  • none
  • none
Enterprise 174 4/1975

Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

161 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 89 of 1973. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
162 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 249 of 1982. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
163 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 152 of 1986. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
164 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 153 of 1986. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
165 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 194 of 1981. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
166 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 154 of 1986. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
167 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 187 of 1981. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
168 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 147 of 1986. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
169 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 396 of 1981. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
170 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 161 of 1990. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
171 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 157 of 1986. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
172 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 298 of 2013. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.
173 The negotiation licence of the union concerned was revoked by S.I. No. 55 of 1973. This SI appears to be obsolete and should be revoked.

Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

14.19. Unfair Dismissal

Enterprise 175 10/1977
  • none

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Social: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. 

14.20. Working Time, Including Hours of Work and Holidays

Enterprise 176 20/1997
Enterprise 3/1938

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Previously Enterprise: see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. 

177 This SI is spent and should be revoked.
178 Ibid.
179 It is likely that many of the orders made under this legislation which are still in force are in fact obsolete and should be revoked.

14.21. Worplace Disupte Resolution

Enterprise 180 16/2015
Enterprise 29/2021

See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. Social (in part): see S.I. No. 361 of 2017. 

14.22. Young Persons Employment

Enterprise 16/1996

14.23. Youth Employment

Children 181 42/2001
Education 184
  • none

See S.I. No. 218 of 2011. Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 

182 This SI had effect for three years and expired on 22 April 2008; it should be revoked.
183 This SI had effect for three years and expired on 22 April 2011; it should be revoked.
184 See S.I. No. 187 of 2010.
185 All substantive provisions of this Act appear to have been repealed.

14.24. ECA Section 3 Statutory Instruments

Foreign 27/1972

Rendered obsolete by repeal of Employment Equality Act 1977 (No. 16 of 1977), which it amends, this SI should be revoked.


Rendered obsolete by repeal of Employment Equality Act 1977 (No. 16 of 1977), which it amends, this SI should be revoked.


See S.I. No. 438 of 2020. 


Rendered obsolete by repeal of Labour Services Act 1987 (No. 15 of 1987), which it amends, this S.I. should be revoked.