25. Local Government
Updated to 29 December 2024 (Act No. 48 of 2024 and S.I. No. 14 of 2025)
Click on triangular bullet points to see more detail.
► 25.1. Local Government Organisation: General
► 25.2. Specific Local Authorities 107
Local Government Reform Act 2014 (1/2014) provides for amalgamation of Limerick county and city local government areas, and Waterford county and city local government areas. On repeal of its enabling provision, Waterford City Management (Reserved Functions) Order 1985 (S.I. No. 422 of 1985) ceased to have effect and it should be revoked
► 25.2.1. Buncrana
Local Gov |
2/1968 |
► 25.2.2. Cork City
Local Gov | 5/1941 | |
► 25.2.3. Dublin
Local Gov | 27/1930 | |
Local Gov | 9/1969 | |
Local Gov |
30/1986 |
Local Gov |
31/1993 |
Local Gov |
1/2014 |
The enabling provision for Dublin City (Borough Electoral Areas) Order 1930 [Vol. XIV p. 1363] S.R.& O. No. 54 of 1930 is Local Government (Dublin) Act 1930 (27/1930), s. 33. This was repealed by Local Government (Dublin) Act 1993 (31/1993), s. 4 and sch. 1 part 1, subject to a power to continue certain regulations in s. 39 which does not appear to have been exercised. S.R.& O. No. 54 of 1930 appears therefore no longer to be in effect, but should be revoked for avoidance of doubt.
This SI appears to be obsolete/spent and should be revoked.
This Act and related secondary legislation appears to be spent and should be repealed/revoked.
Rendered obsolete by dissolution of Dublin Metropolitan Streets Commission by Dublin Metropolitan Streets Commission Dissolution Order 2007 (S.I. No. 813 of 2007).
Vocational Education Committees (Filling of Casual Vacancies) Regulations 1996, S.I. No. 205 of 1996, became obsolete after the County Council elections following the making of the SI and should be revoked.
The enabling provision is Local Government (Dublin) Act 1993 (31/1993), s. 7. This was repealed by s. 5(1) of the Local Government Act 2001 (37/2001). There is a saver for these regulations in s. 11 (11): Notwithstanding the repeal of enactments relating to its establishment and constitution, a county council, county borough corporation, borough corporation (other than a county borough corporation), urban district council or the commissioners of a town in being immediately before the establishment day, continue in being but subject to the provisions of this Act applying and having effect.
Made by the Minister for Social Welfare, under s. 39 of the Act, it is considered in force by the Department of Social Protection.
Listed here in relation to directly elected Mayor of Dublin.
► 25.3. Agriculture Committees
Agric 116 | 8/1931 | |
Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011.
The enabling provision is Agriculture Act 1931, s. 25, which was repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), s. 28. There is a “saving for certain acts” in s. 24 but only acts done by existing Committees before the establishment day have effect. This SI is appears to be obsolete.
► 25.4. Business Improvement Districts
Local Gov | 42/2006 | |
► 25.5. Local Government Services Through Corporate Bodies
► 25.6. Local Government Works
Local Gov |
17/1949 |
► 25.7. Local Loans Fund 127
According to Brendan Howlin, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, "The Local Loans Fund was created as a mechanism to provide loans to local authorities for various purposes including on-lending to individual house purchasers under the Small Dwellings Acts. Funds were made available to the Local Loans Fund from general Exchequer sources, which would include general Exchequer borrowing. ... The Local Loans Fund is no longer used as a mechanism to provide loans to local authorities. ... All repayments by local authorities to the Local Loans Fund flow into the Exchequer." (Dáil Éireann Debates Vol. 751 No. 1, 11 January 2012). This legislation may therefore be obsolete.
Finance |
16/1935 |
Finance |
17/1937 |
Finance |
18/1951 |
Finance |
3/1953 |
Finance |
29/1956 |
Finance |
25/1957 |
Finance |
45/1961 |
Finance |
38/1964 |
Finance |
27/1968 |
Finance |
14/1972 |
Finance |
28/1974 |
Finance |
10/1978 |
Finance |
41/1980 |
Finance |
16/1983 |
Finance |
21/1986 |
Finance |
19/1987 |
► 25.8. Local Government Officers and Employees
► 25.8.1. General
Local Gov |
39/1926 |
Local Gov | 15/1940 | |
Local Gov | 1/1983 | |
The enabling provision is Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act 1926 (39/1926), s. 2(1), as amended by Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004 (33/2004), s. 61(1) and sch. 2 part 1. These regulations are retained by s. 62(3).
► 25.8.2. Superannuation
► 25.9. Local Government Public Liability Insurance and Assurance
Enterprise |
34/1926 |
Enterprise |
21/1928 |
Enterprise |
42/1935 |
► 25.10. Local Authority Rates
► 25.11. Sanitary Services
► 25.12. Workhouses (Former)
Health |
9/1930 |
Health |
8/1962 |
► 25.13. ECA Section 3 Statutory Instruments
Foreign | 27/1972 | |