15. Enterprise, Economic Development and Tourism
Updated to 14 February 2025 (Act No. 48 of 2024 and S.I. No. 30 of 2025)
Click on triangular bullet points to see more detail.
► 15.1. Digital Hub Development Agency 1
See S.I. No. 140 of 2011 and S.I. No. 141 of 2011.
► 15.2. Credit Guarantee, Enterprise Loans and Export Guarantees
► 15.2.1. Credit Guarantee
► 15.2.2. Enterprise Loans
► 15.2.3. Export Guarantee and Trade Loans Guarantee
Enterprise | 5/1939 | |
Enterprise |
9/1949 |
Enterprise |
2/1953 |
Enterprise |
38/1954 |
Agric |
12/1984 |
This Act prospectively repeals itself in accordance with ss. 7 and 10(3), subject to an order dissolving the Exported Live Stock (Insurance) Board. The Commission is not aware of such an order. The Act is probably obsolete.
► 15.3. Export Credit Insurance
Enterprise | 7/1953 | |
Enterprise |
28/1961 |
Enterprise |
5/1969 |
Enterprise |
10/1971 |
Enterprise |
30/1978 |
Enterprise |
34/1981 |
Enterprise |
5/1983 |
Enterprise |
22/1988 |
► 15.4. Export Regulation (Dual-Use Military/Civil Use Goods)
► 15.5. Import Regulation
Enterprise |
12/1934 |
Enterprise |
8/1937 |
Enterprise |
13/1963 |
Enterprise |
20/1964 |
Enterprise |
20/1962 |
Enterprise |
13/1958 |
Enterprise |
14/1966 |
Enterprise | 23/1966 | |
This Act appears to be obsolete. SIs made under this Act therefore ceased to have effect and should be revoked. They are: S.R.& O. Nos. 231 of 1934, 255 of 1934, 18 of 1935, 19 of 1935, 160 of 1935, 606 of 1935, 666 of 1935, 668 of 1935, 178 of 1936, 179 of 1936, 180 of 1936, 53 of 1937, 147 of 1937, 197 of 1937, 207 of 1937, 209 of 1937, 213 of 1937, 215 of 1937, 175 of 1938, 176 of 1938, 173 of 1939, 295 of 1939, 353 of 1939, 402 of 1939, 199 of 1940, 214 of 1940, 317 of 1940, 383 of 1940, 384 of 1940, 351 of 1941, 345 of 1946, 347 of 1946, S.I. Nos. 50 of 1948, 97 of 1948, 195 of 1949, 357 of 1949, 173 of 1950, 237 of 1951, 138 of 1952, 145 of 1952, 308 of 1952, 39 of 1953, 220 of 1953, 273 of 1953 300 of 1953, 227 of 1954, 108 of 1955, 205 of 1955, 248 of 1955, 256 of 1955, 257 of 1955, 258 of 1955, 25 of 1956, 206 of 1956, 147 of 1957, 29 of 1958, 134 of 1958, 154 of 1958, 167 of 1958, 168 of 1958, 98 of 1960, 10 of 1962, 118 of 1963, 297 of 1964, 298 of 1964, 261 of 1965, 107 of 1966, 109 of 1966, 114 of 1966, 107 of 1977, 108 of 1977, 266 of 1977, 295 of 1987, 296 of 1987, 305 of 1988, 306 of 1988.
This Act appears to be obsolete.
SIs made under this Act appear to be obsolete/spent and should be revoked. They are: S.I. Nos. 254 of 1967, 269 of 1967, 13 of 1973, 262 of 1976, 376 of 1977, 133 of 1983, 163 of 1984, 291 of 1986, 63 of 1987, 64 of 1987, 305 of 1989, 217 of 1990, 68 of 1991, and 54 of 1992.
Tea (Importation and Distribution) Act 1956 (20/1956) expired on 30 June 1958 as provided by Tea (Importation and Distribution) Act 1956 (Continuance) Act 1958 (5/1958), s. 2(1), which Act also appears to be obsolete/spent.
This Act appears to be obsolete.
► 15.6. Industrial Alcohol Regulation
Enterprise 16 |
23/1938 |
Enterprise |
2/1947 |
Enterprise |
42/1980 |
Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. |
► 15.7. Industrial Development
► 15.7.1. General
► 15.7.2. Cement Control (Former) 25
1964 and 2000 Acts appear to be obsolete/spent.
Enterprise |
40/1964 |
Enterprise | 31/2000 | |
► 15.7.3. Duty-Free Airport: Shannon
► 15.8. Irish Steel Limited
Enterprise | 8/1996 | |
► 15.9. Kilkenny Design Workshops
Finance 26 |
26/1982 |
Responsibility under ss. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 11 assigned to Public Expenditure and Reform by S.I No. 418 of 2011.
► 15.10. Nitrigin Éireann Teoranta (Irish Fertilizers Industries PLC)
Enterprise |
21/2001 |
► 15.11. Tourism
Gaeltacht 27 | 24/1939 | |
Gaeltacht 28 |
15/1952 |
Gaeltacht | 5/1955 | |
Gaeltacht |
27/1957 |
Gaeltacht |
3/1966 |
Gaeltacht |
16/1970 |
Gaeltacht |
31/1983 |
Gaeltacht |
13/1995 |
Gaeltacht 29 | 10/2003 | |
Gaeltacht |
33/2011 |
Gaeltacht |
14/2016 |
Gaeltacht |
51/2022 |
See S.I. No. 356 of 2020 [transferred functions for Acts 1939- 2016]
Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011.
Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. |