34. State Personnel and Superannuation/Pensions

Updated to 11 March 2025 (Act No. 1 of 2025 and S.I. No. 76 of 2025)

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34.1. Public Service Appointments and Regulation

34.1.1. Civil and Public Service Appointments

Public Exp 33/2004
Public Exp
  • none
  • none
  • none

34.1.2. Civil Service Regulation

Finance 46/1956
  • none
Finance 13/1996
Finance 18/2005
1 Originally enabled by Civil Service Regulation Act 1924 (5/1924), and continued in effect by Civil Service Commissioners Act 1956 (45/1956), s. 8(2) and Civil Service Regulation Act 1956 (46/1956), s. 22(2).
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.

34.2. Public Service Management

Finance 27/1997
7 Numerous SIs appointing special advisors have ceased as provided in s. 11(4) of the Act - on expiry of the relevant Minister's term of office, or individual contract. They include S.I. Nos. 176 of 2000, 404 of 2002, 830 of 2004, 831 of 2004, 483 of 2008, 484 of 2008, 485 of 2008, 172 of 2010 and 173 of 2010. They should be revoked for clarity as a matter of good practice.

34.3. Pay and Superannuation: Civil and Public Service Generally

Public Exp 8
  • none
39 & 40 Vict., c. 53
Public Exp 9 50 & 51 Vict., c. 67
Public Exp 10
  • none
55 & 56 Vict., c. 40
Public Exp 11
  • none
9 Edw. 7, c. 10
Public Exp 12
  • none
4 & 5 Geo. 5, c. 86
Public Exp 13 34/1923
Public Exp 17
  • none
Public Exp 18
  • none
Public Exp 19 39/1936
Public Exp 23
  • none
Public Exp 24
  • none
Public Exp 25
  • none
Public Exp 26 14/1954
Public Exp 27 38/1956
Public Exp 29 24/1963
Public Exp 31 22/1976
Public Exp
  • none
Public Exp 37/2012
Public Exp 34/2017
Public Exp 2/2018
Public Exp
  • none
Public Exp
  • none
Public Exp 24/2022
8 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
9 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
10 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
11 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
12 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
13 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
14 Cited in the eISB as Department of Finance Determination Dated 19th July, 1924.
15 Also enabled under Superannuation and Pensions Act 1929 (11/1929).
16 Ibid.
17 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
18 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
19 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
20 The enabling provision is s. 21, which was repealed by Superannuation and Pensions Act 1976 (22/1976), ss. 11, 12(2)(b) and sch. 2. Section 12 requires a day to be fixed for the commencement of s. 11. The Commission has not found such an order, and it appears that s. 21 remains in force. The legislation provides for the recognition of previous teaching service as established service for the purposes of the Superannuation Acts.
21 Ibid.
22 Ibid.
23 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
24 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
25 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
26 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
27 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
28 Superannuation Act 1956 was repealed by 22/1976, ss. 11, 12(2)(b) and sch. 2. Section 12 requires a day to be fixed for the commencement of s. 11. The Commission and Department have not found such an order, and it appears that s. 21 remains in force.
29 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).
30 The enabling provision, s. 4(1), was repealed by the Superannuation and Pensions Act 1976 (22/1976), ss. 3(1), 11, 12(2)(b) and schs. 1, 2. Section 12 requires a day to be fixed for the commencement of s. 11. The Commission has not found such an order, and it appears that s. 4 remains in force. This applies to the subsequent SIs also.
31 Transferred from Finance to Public Expenditure by Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 2011 (10/2011), s. 9(1)(a)(i).

34.4. Pre-1922 Superannuation Schemes

Transport 32
  • none
  • none
  • none
32 Functions assigned to Minister for Public Service by S.I. No. 294 of 1973, now Transport, Tourism and Sport.

34.5. ECA Section 3 Statutory Instruments

  • none