Local Government Act 2019


Making and review of development plans by Cork local authorities

37. The Act of 2000 is amended—

(a) in section 9, by the insertion of the following subsections:

“(1A) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the council of the city of Cork shall make a development plan every 6 years (or such longer period, not exceeding 7 years, as the Minister may specify by order).

(1B) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the council of the county of Cork shall make a development plan every 6 years (or such longer period, not exceeding 7 years, as the Minister may specify by order).”,


(b) in section 11 (inserted by section 12 of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2018), by the insertion of the following paragraphs in subsection (1):

“(aa) Subject to paragraph (b) and notwithstanding paragraph (a), the council of the city of Cork shall, not later than 4 years (or such longer period, not exceeding 5 years, as the Minister may specify by order) after the making of a development plan, give notice of its intention to review its existing development plan and to prepare a new development plan for its area.

(ab) Subject to paragraph (b) and notwithstanding paragraph (a), the council of the county of Cork shall, not later than 4 years (or such longer period, not exceeding 5 years, as the Minister may specify by order) after the making of a development plan, give notice of its intention to review its existing development plan and to prepare a new development plan for its area.”.