Local Government Act 2019


Amendment of Local Government Act 1991

36. The Act of 1991 is amended—

(a) in section 28, by the deletion of paragraph (f) of subsection (4),

(b) in section 31, by—

(i) the deletion of—

(I) paragraph (b) of subsection (1), and

(II) subsection (3),

(ii) the substitution of the following subsection for subsection (2):

“(2) The Minister shall not make an order under subsection (1) in relation to an application referred to in that subsection where a respondent, in his or her statement of response, disagrees in a material respect with the terms of the proposal to which the application relates.”,


(c) in section 33, by—

(i) the deletion of “subsection (2) or (3) of section 31 or” in subsection (1), and

(ii) the substitution of the following paragraph for paragraph (b) of subsection (4):

“(b) publish a notice stating that a report is being prepared under this section in relation to a specified boundary and inviting submissions from any person concerned,”.