Electoral Reform Act 2022


Registrar of political parties

41. (1) There shall be an office, the holder of which shall be known as the Registrar of Political Parties (in this Chapter referred to as the “Registrar”) and the Registrar shall, subject to this Chapter, prepare and maintain a Register of Political Parties.

(2) (a) The person who for the time being holds the office of chief executive of the Commission shall be the Registrar.

(b) If and so long as the office of the chief executive is vacant or the holder of that office is unable through illness, absence or other cause to fulfil the duties of the office, a member of staff nominated by the Chairperson shall act as Registrar for the purposes of this Chapter and references in this Chapter to the Registrar shall be construed accordingly.

(3) The Registrar shall be independent in the performance of his or her duties.