Electoral Reform Act 2022


Delegation of powers of Commission to chief executive

151. (1) Subject to this section, the Commission may, by order, delegate the exercise of such of its powers under section 153 , 154 , 155 , 156 or 157 as the Commission considers appropriate to the chief executive or to another member of the Commission and the chief executive or other member of the Commission shall perform such duties as are appropriate to the powers so delegated and shall for that purpose act in place of the Commission.

(2) Where a delegation is made under subsection (1)

(a) the chief executive or other member of the Commission shall exercise the delegated power under the general direction and control of the Commission,

(b) the chief executive or other member of the Commission shall exercise the delegated power in accordance with such (if any) limitations as may be specified in the delegation as to the period in which or the extent to which he or she is to exercise that power, and

(c) a provision referred to in subsection (1) under which powers are vested in the Commission or which regulates the manner in which any such power is to be exercised shall, if and in so far as it is applicable to the delegated power, have effect, for the purposes of the exercise of the power by the chief executive or other member of staff of the Commission, with the substitution of the chief executive or other member of staff of the Commission for the Commission and every such provision shall be read accordingly.

(3) Where the exercise of a power is delegated under this section, the power shall continue to be vested in the Commission but shall be so vested concurrently with the chief executive or other member of the Commission to whom it is delegated so as to be capable of being exercised by either the Commission or the chief executive or other member of the Commission concerned.

(4) The Commission may, by order, amend or revoke a delegation made under this section.

(5) The Commission may, at any time, furnish any materials or information arising from an investigation under section 150 , including any report, to the chief executive or other member of staff of the Commission to whom the exercise of a power has been delegated under subsection (1) where the Commission considers that the information may be necessary in order to allow the proper exercise of the powers concerned.