Electoral Reform Act 2022


Obligation on online platform in relation to notification mechanism

149. (1) An online platform shall put mechanisms in place to allow any individual, entity or person to notify it of the presence on the platform of information that the individual or entity considers to be—

(a) disinformation, or

(b) misinformation.

(2) An online platform shall put mechanisms in place to allow any individual, entity or person to notify it of the presence on their service of specific activities or behaviours in respect of online electoral information that the individual or entity considers may amount to manipulative or inauthentic behaviour.

(3) The mechanisms provided for under subsections (1) and (2) shall be accessible, user-friendly and shall allow for the submission of notifications referred to in those subsections exclusively by electronic means.

(4) An online platform shall, without undue delay, assess, process and determine the validity of the concerns raised by notices received under subsection (1) or (2).

(5) An online platform shall maintain a record of all notifications received under subsection (1) or (2) and the outcome of the determination referred to at subsection (4) for a period of 2 years following the end of the electoral period concerned.

(6) An online platform shall make the record referred to at subsection (5) available to the Commission for inspection on reasonable notice.