Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Act 2020


Amendment of section 36 of Act of 2007

87. Section 36 of the Act of 2007 is amended, in subsection (1) —

(a) in paragraph (a), by the deletion of “, 49”,

(b) in paragraph (b), by the deletion of “, 49”,

(c) in paragraph (c), by the substitution of “or 48” for “, 48 or 49”,

(d) by the insertion of the following paragraphs after paragraph (c):

“(ca) the registration under section 36E of a person,

(cb) the annual retention of the registration under section 36E of an intern,

(cc) the recognition under section 36C or 44A of a qualification (other than a professional qualification referred to in paragraph (cf)) held by a person,

(cd) the registration under section 36M of a relevant person,

(ce) the annual retention of the registration under section 36M of an adapter,

(cf) the recognition under the Regulations of 2017 of a professional qualification (within the meaning of Regulation 3 of those Regulations) as a medical practitioner or specialised doctor,”,


(e) in paragraph (e), by the insertion of “, intern or adapter” after “medical practitioner”.