Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Act 2020


Amendment of section 7 of Act of 2007

79. Section 7 of the Act of 2007 is amended—

(a) in subsection (2) —

(i) in paragraph (a), by the insertion of “of medical practitioners, the register of interns and the register of adapters” after “the register”,

(ii) in paragraph (c), by the insertion of “(including the granting of certificates of experience or certificates of adaptation)” after “continued registration”,

(iii) in paragraph (i), by the insertion of “, interns and adapters” after “medical practitioners” in each place that it occurs, and

(iv) in paragraph (l), by the insertion of “, interns and adapters” after “medical practitioners”,


(b) in subsection (5), by the insertion of “, including the making of arrangements with any person to assist the Council or a committee in the proper discharge of any of the Council’s or committee’s (as the case may be) functions” after “its functions”.