Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Act 2020


Amendment of section 53 of Act of 2005

37. Section 53 of the Act of 2005 is amended—

(a) in subsection (1B), by the deletion of paragraph (b), and

(b) by the insertion of the following subsection after subsection (5):

“(5A) Subsections (1)(c) and (2) (in so far as the last-mentioned subsection relates to the production of records) of section 59 shall apply to and in relation to the preliminary proceedings committee and the chairperson of that committee as those subsections apply to and in relation to a committee of inquiry and the chairperson of the committee of inquiry and the other provisions of section 59 (including subsections (5) to (7)) shall, with all necessary modifications, be construed accordingly.”.