Local Government Act 2019


Outstanding charges

34. (1) Any charge in respect of—

(a) the local financial year in which the transfer day falls, or

(b) any preceding local financial year,

that, immediately before the transfer day, was due and payable to the county council shall, from the transfer day, continue to be due and payable to the county council unless the city council and the county council agree otherwise.

(2) Any charge in respect of the local financial year in which the transfer day falls that would, but for the falling of the transfer day in that year, have become due and payable to the county council after the transfer day shall, unless the city council and the county council agree otherwise, be due and payable to the county council.

(3) In this section “charge” means—

(a) the county rate,

(b) any levy payable under Part 19A (inserted by section 7 of the Local Government (Business Improvement Districts) Act 2006) of the Principal Act,

(c) rent or charges for the tenancy, occupation or use of a dwelling provided by the county council under the Housing Acts 1966 to 2015, or

(d) the repayment of a housing loan within the meaning of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992.