Local Government Act 2019


Provisions consequent upon transfer of assets and liabilities to city council

14. (1) Anything commenced but not completed before the transfer day by or under the authority of the county council may, in so far as it relates to the relevant area, be carried on or completed on or after the transfer day by the city council.

(2) Every instrument made under an enactment, and every other instrument (including any certificate) made or granted, by the county council shall, if and in so far as it—

(a) relates to the relevant area, and

(b) was operative immediately before the transfer day,

have effect on and after that day as if it had been made or granted, as may be appropriate, by the city council.

(3) References to the county council in—

(a) the memorandum or articles of association of an existing company within the meaning of the Companies Act 2014, or

(b) the constitution of a company formed and registered under that Act,

shall be construed as references to the city council from the date of the making of a request in writing in that behalf to the company by the city council.

(4) The city council shall not make a request referred to in subsection (3) without the consent of the county council.

(5) Any money, stocks, shares or securities transferred by section 12 that immediately before the transfer day or property vesting day concerned, as may be appropriate, were standing in the name of the county council shall, on the request of the city council, be transferred into its name.

(6) A certificate signed by the Minister that any property, right or liability has or, as the case may be, has not vested in the city council under section 9, 10, 12 or 13 shall be sufficient evidence, unless the contrary is shown, of the fact so certified for all purposes.