Companies Act 2014


Employee’s duty of disclosure

925. (1) An employee of the Supervisory Authority who otherwise than in his or her capacity as such employee has a material interest in a specified matter as defined in section 923(8) shall—

(a) disclose to the Supervisory Authority the fact of the interest and its nature,

(b) take no part in—

(i) the negotiation of the arrangement, contract or other agreement in question, or

(ii) any deliberation by the Supervisory Authority or its employees relating to the matter,

(c) refrain from making any recommendation relating to the matter, and

(d) neither influence nor seek to influence a decision to be made in the matter.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to contracts or proposed contracts of employment between the Supervisory Authority and its employees.

(3) Where a person contravenes this section, the Supervisory Authority may—

(a) terminate that person’s contract of employment, or

(b) amend the terms and conditions of that person’s employment as it considers appropriate.