Companies Act 2014


Supplementary provisions in relation to sections 457 and 458 (including provision for applications to court)

459. (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), a call notice and an information notice shall—

(a) be signed by or on behalf of the offeror,

(b) be given to the shareholder—

(i) by delivering it to the shareholder, or

(ii) by leaving it at the address of the shareholder as entered in the register of members of the offeree company; or

(iii) by sending it by post in a prepaid letter—

(I) to the address of the shareholder as entered in the foregoing register, or

(II) to the address, if any, within the State supplied by the shareholder in writing to the offeree company for the giving of notices to him or her;


(iv) if the conditions specified in subsection (2) are satisfied, by electronic means.

(2) The conditions referred to in subsection (1)(b)(iv) are—

(a) the shareholder has consented in writing to the offeror’s using electronic means to give notices in relation to him or her,

(b) at the time the electronic means are used to give the notice or notices in relation to the shareholder, no notice in writing has been received by the offeror from the shareholder stating he or she has withdrawn the consent referred to in paragraph (a), and

(c) the particular means used to give the notice or notices electronically are those that the shareholder has consented to.

(3) Where there are several like call notices or information notices given, one or more of which has been signed by or on behalf of the offeror (being a body corporate), the call notices or the information notices not so signed shall, for the purposes of subsection (1)(a), be deemed to be so signed if such unsigned call or information notices state the name of the director who has so signed at least one of those call or, as the case may be, information notices.

(4) Call notices and information notices shall be deemed to be correctly given for the purposes of subsection (1)(b)—

(a) to the joint holders of a share, by giving the notice to the joint holder first named in the register of members in respect of the share,

(b) to the persons entitled to a share in consequence of the death or bankruptcy of a shareholder—

(i) by delivering it to the persons claiming to be so entitled, or

(ii) by leaving it at the address supplied to the offeree company by the persons claiming to be so entitled, or

(iii) by sending it by post in a prepaid letter to the persons claiming to be so entitled by name or by the title of representatives of the deceased or the assignee in bankruptcy or by any like description at the address supplied to the offeree company by the persons claiming to be so entitled, or

(iv) where such persons have not notified the company in writing of such death or bankruptcy—

(I) by leaving it at the address of the shareholder as entered in the register of members of the offeree company, or

(II) by sending it by post in a prepaid letter to—

(A) the address of the shareholder as entered in the foregoing register, or

(B) the address, if any, within the State supplied in writing by the shareholder to the offeree company for the giving of notices to him or her,


(c) to shareholders with addresses entered in the register of members of the offeree company or who have supplied in writing to the offeree company addresses for the giving of notices to them, being (in either case) addresses which are in jurisdictions outside the State whose laws regulate the communication into those jurisdictions of schemes, contracts or offers to which this Chapter applies, by advertisement published in Iris Oifigiúil.

(5) A dissenting shareholder may—

(a) following receipt of a call notice, apply to the court for an order permitting the shareholder to retain his or her shares or varying the terms of the scheme, contract or offer as they apply to that shareholder, or

(b) in a case where the offeror is bound to acquire his or her shares by virtue of section 457(7)(a), apply to the court for an order varying the terms of the scheme, contract or offer as they apply to that dissenting shareholder,

and the court may, on such an application, make such order as it thinks fit (including one providing for a variation such as to require payment to the dissenting shareholder of a cash consideration).

(6) Where an offeror has become bound to acquire the shares of dissenting shareholders, the offeror shall, within 30 days after the date on which the offeror becomes so bound or, if an application to the court by a dissenting shareholder is then pending, as soon as may be after that application is disposed of—

(a) deliver to the offeree company—

(i) a copy of the form of any call notice or information notice given,

(ii) a list of the persons served with any call notice or information notice and the number of shares affected held by them,

(iii) an instrument of transfer of the shares of the dissenting shareholders executed—

(I) on behalf of the dissenting shareholders as transferor by any person appointed by the offeror, and

(II) by the transferee (being either the offeror or a subsidiary of the offeror or a nominee of the offeror or of such a subsidiary),

(b) pay to or vest in the offeree company the amount or other consideration representing the price payable by the offeror for the shares, the beneficial ownership of which by virtue of this Chapter the offeror is entitled to acquire.

(7) Where an offeror has complied with subsection (6), the offeree company shall—

(a) thereupon register as the holder of those shares the person who executed such instrument as the transferee,

(b) pay any sums received by the offeree company under this section into a separate bank account and, for a period of 7 years after the date of such receipt, hold any such sums and any other consideration so received on trust for the several persons entitled to the shares in respect of which those sums or other consideration were respectively received,

F288[(c) after the expiry of the period of 7 years referred to in paragraph (b), realise as soon as practicable any shares, other securities or other property vested in it as consideration and lodge the proceeds so realised and any money standing to the credit of the bank account referred to in paragraph (b), together with the names of the persons believed by the offeree company to be entitled thereto, to an account as the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform may nominate and operated under the control of the Accountant of the Courts of Justice (in this section referred to as the "nominated account"),]

(d) for as long as shares in the offeror are vested in the offeree company (where shares in the offeror have been issued as all or part of the consideration) not be entitled to exercise any right of voting conferred by those shares except by and in accordance with instructions given by the shareholder in respect of whom those shares were so issued or his or her successor-in-title.

(8) Where the relevant scheme, contract or offer becomes binding on or is approved or accepted by a person in respect of a part only of the shares held by him or her, he or she shall be treated as an assenting shareholder as regards that part of his or her holding and as a dissenting shareholder as regards the remainder of his or her holding.

F289[(9) (a) Where the offeree company is unable to realise under subsection (7)(c) the shares, other securities or other property vested in it as consideration, such shares, other securities, or other property and any money standing to the credit of the bank account referred to in subsection (7)(b) shall continue to be held on trust by the offeree company concerned for the persons whom the offeree company believes are entitled thereto until such time as—

(i) the shares, other securities, or other property and any money standing to the credit of the bank account referred to in subsection (7)(b) are claimed by a person claiming to be entitled thereto, or

(ii) the shares, other securities or other property are realised by the offeree company concerned.

(b) Where the offeree company realises the shares, other securities or other property referred to in paragraph (a)(ii), it shall lodge the proceeds so realised and any money standing to the credit of the bank account referred to in subsection (7)(b), together with the names of the persons believed by the offeree company to be entitled thereto, to the nominated account.

(10) Any person claiming to be entitled to any moneys which were lodged to the nominated account under subsection (7)(c) or (9)(b) may make an application to the court in that regard and the court may, where it is satisfied that the person so claiming is so entitled, order that payment be made to that person.

(11) After the expiry of the period of 7 years after the date of any lodgment to the nominated account made under subsection (7)(c), (9)(b) or (13), the amount of the lodgment remaining unclaimed shall be paid into the Exchequer.

(12) Any person claiming to be entitled to any moneys which were paid into the Exchequer under subsection (11) may make an application to the court in that regard and the court may, where it is satisfied that the person so claiming is so entitled, order that the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform make payment to that person and that Minister shall issue such sum as may be necessary to provide for that payment.

(13) Where, before the commencement of section 175 of the Consumer Rights Act 2022—

(a) money standing to the credit of the bank account referred to in subsection (7)(b) was, after the expiry of the period of 7 years referred to in that subsection, transferred pursuant to the previous subsection (7)(c) to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform together with the names of the persons believed by the offeree company to be entitled thereto, that money shall, on the commencement of section 175 of the Consumer Rights Act 2022, be lodged by that Minister, together with those names, to the nominated account, and

(b) any shares, other securities or other property vested in the offeree company as consideration were, after the expiry of the period of 7 years referred to in subsection (7)(b), transferred pursuant to the previous subsection (7)(c) to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform—

(i) those shares, other securities or other property shall, on the commencement of section 175 of the Consumer Rights Act 2022, be returned to the offeree company concerned to be held by that company on trust for the persons whom the company believes are entitled thereto,

(ii) the offeree company concerned shall as soon as practicable realise such shares, other securities or other property and shall lodge the proceeds so realised, together with the names of the persons believed by the company to be entitled thereto to the nominated account,

(iii) where the offeree company is unable to realise the shares, other securities or other property vested in it as consideration, such shares, other securities, or other property shall continue to be held on trust by the offeree company concerned for the persons whom the offeree company believes are entitled thereto until such time as the shares, other securities or other property are claimed by a person claiming to be entitled thereto or are realised by the offeree company concerned, and

(iv) where the offeree company has realised the shares, other securities or other property concerned, it shall lodge the proceeds together with the names of the persons believed by the company to be entitled thereto to the nominated account.

(14) On and after the commencement of section 175 of the Consumer Rights Act 2022, any person claiming to be entitled to any moneys which were lodged to the nominated account under subsection (13)(a) or any sum representing the value of the proceeds lodged to the nominated account under subsection (13)(b), whether that claim arises before or after the commencement of section 175 of the Consumer Rights Act 2022, may make an application to the court in that regard, and the court may, where it is satisfied that the person claiming is so entitled, order that payment be made to that person.

(15) No liability shall attach to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform in respect of or arising from any action or omission of the offeree company or any other person in relation to—

(a) the shares, other securities or other property vested in the offeree company as consideration referred to in this section, or

(b) the proceeds or moneys referred to in this section prior to or subsequent to their lodgment to the nominated account.

(16) In this section, "previous subsection (7)(c)" means subsection (7)(c) as it stood enacted immediately before the commencement of section 175 of the Consumer Rights Act 2022.]




Substituted (29.11.2022) by Consumer Rights Act 2022 (37/2022), s. 175(a), S.I. No. 596 of 2022.


Inserted (29.11.2022) by Consumer Rights Act 2022 (37/2022), s. 175(b), S.I. No. 596 of 2022.