Companies Act 2014

F1031[Grounds for refusing request for information


1560. (1) The Supervisory Authority or a recognised accountancy body may refuse to comply with a request referred to in section 1556(1) if

(a) the ground referred to in point (a) of paragraph 4 of Article 36 of the Audit Directive applies,

(b) proceedings in any court in the State have already been initiated in respect of the same actions and against the same statutory auditor or audit firm, the subject of the request, or

(c) a final determination has already been made by the Supervisory Authority or recognised accountancy body in respect of the same actions and the same statutory auditor or audit firm, the subject of the request.

(2) A recognised accountancy body shall not exercise the power under subsection (1) to refuse to comply with a request save after consultation with the Supervisory Authority.

(3) The Supervisory Authority or a recognised accountancy body that refuses, under subsection (1), to comply with a request shall notify the counterpart authority in the other Member State that made the request of the reasons for the refusal.

(4) A recognised accountancy body, referred to in subsection (3), shall also notify the Supervisory Authority of the reasons for the refusal referred to in that subsection.]




Inserted (21.09.2018) by Companies (Statutory Audits) Act 2018 (22/2018), s. 51, S.I. No. 366 of 2018.