Companies Act 2014

F986[Access by Supervisory Authority to information and documents held by recognised accountancy bodies or relevant persons


1523. (1) Where it considers it reasonably necessary to do so for the purposes of performing a particular function under the relevant provisions, the Supervisory Authority may request information and inspect and make copies of all relevant documents in the possession or control of a recognised accountancy body or a relevant person; for that purpose, it may, by notice in writing served on the recognised accountancy body or relevant person, require the recognised accountancy body or relevant person either (as shall be specified) to

(a) furnish to it specified documents or information, or

(b) permit it to have access, under specified circumstances, to all relevant documents in the possession or control of the recognised accountancy body or relevant person,

within a specified period.

(2) In this section, "relevant person" means

(a) a member of a recognised accountancy body,

(b) a client or former client of the member,

(c) if the client or former client is a body corporate, a person who is or was an officer, employee or agent of the client or former client, or

(d) any person whom the Supervisory Authority reasonably believes has information or documents in relation to the particular function other than information or documents the disclosure of which is prohibited or restricted by law.

(3) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the powers under that subsection are exercisable in relation to a recognised accountancy body or relevant person where a complaint is made to the Supervisory Authority that the recognised accountancy body or relevant person has contravened a requirement of the relevant provisions.

(4) Where the powers under subsection (1) are exercisable, the following additional power may be exercised by the Supervisory Authority if it considers that the exercise of it is reasonably necessary to enable it to clarify any matter arising from its inspection of the information or documents concerned, namely a power to require an officer of the recognised accountancy body or relevant person to

(a) attend before it, and

(b) explain any entry in the information or documents concerned and otherwise give assistance to it in clarifying the matter concerned.

(5) In this section, "specified" means specified in the notice concerned.

(6) If a person fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement under subsection (1) or (4), the person shall be guilty of a category 3 offence.

(7) Nothing in this section derogates from the powers exercisable by the Supervisory Authority in the circumstances, and under the conditions, specified in section 933 or 934.]




Inserted (21.09.2018) by Companies (Statutory Audits) Act 2018 (22/2018), s. 51, S.I. No. 366 of 2018.