Companies Act 2014
F1069[Continuing education
1489. (1) It shall, by virtue of this section alone, be a condition of a statutory auditor’s approval (or, in the case of a statutory auditor referred to in section 1471, deemed approval) granted under this Part (or under any predecessor to this Part) that he or she shall take part in appropriate programmes of continuing education in order to maintain his or her theoretical knowledge, professional skills and values, including, in particular, in relation to auditing, at a sufficiently high level.
(2) The Supervisory Authority shall, at such times as it thinks it appropriate to do so, issue guidelines to the recognised accountancy bodies with regard to what constitutes compliance with the condition referred to in subsection (1).]
Inserted (21.09.2018) by Companies (Statutory Audits) Act 2018 (22/2018), s. 51, S.I. No. 366 of 2018.