Companies Act 2014
Addition of “limited” or “teoranta”, etc., to name
1342. (1) Subject to subsection (2), when a company registers under this Chapter with limited liability, the words—
(a) “limited” or “teoranta”,
(b) “designated activity company” or “cuideachta ghníomhaíochta ainmnithe”,
(c) “company limited by guarantee” or “cuideachta faoi theorainn rathaiochta”,
as the case may be, shall form and be registered as part of its name.
(2) Subsection (1) shall not be taken as excluding the operation of section 971 or 1180.
(3) When a company registers under this Chapter with unlimited liability, the words “unlimited company” or “cuideachta neamhtheoranta” shall form and be registered as part of its name.