Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Act 2014


DNA Database System

59. (1) The Director of FSI shall, as soon as may be after the commencement of this section, establish in accordance with this Part a database to be known as the DNA Database System (in this Act called the “DNA Database System”).

(2) The DNA Database System shall comprise the following 2 divisions:

(a) the investigation division; and

(b) the identification division.

(3) The investigation division of the DNA Database System (in this Part called “the investigation division”) shall contain the following indexes of DNA profiles and information that may be used to identify the person from whose biological material each DNA profile was generated:

(a) the crime scene index;

(b) the reference index;

(c) the elimination (Garda Síochána) index;

(d) the elimination (crime scene investigators) index; and

(e) the elimination (prescribed persons) index.

(4) The identification division of the DNA Database System (in this Part called “the identification division”) shall contain the missing and unknown persons index of DNA profiles and information that may be used—

(a) to identify or describe the person from whose biological material each DNA profile was generated, and

(b) in the case of the DNA profile of a blood relative of a missing person that is entered in that index, to associate that DNA profile with the missing person.