Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011


Power to charge and recover fees.

25.— (1) The Authority, with the consent of the Minister, may, and if directed by the Minister to do so and in accordance with the terms of the direction, shall, prescribe by regulations the fees to be paid to it and when they fall due in respect of—

(a) the performance of functions,

(b) the provision of services, and

(c) the carrying on of activities,

by the Authority under this Act.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the Authority’s power under that subsection to prescribe fees includes the power to provide for exemptions from the payment of fees, or waiving, remitting or refunding fees (in whole or in part), in different circumstances or classes of circumstances or in different cases or classes of cases.

(3) The total amount of the fees charged annually under this Act shall, as nearly as may be, taking one year with another, be equal to the total expenditure incurred annually in the administration of this Act.

(4) Fees received under this Act shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform directs.

(5) The Authority may recover as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction, from a person by whom the fee is payable, any amount due and owing to the Authority in respect of a fee charged under this section.


Editorial Notes:


Power pursuant to section exercised (17.04.2024) by Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 (Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (S.I. No. 63 of 2024), in effect as per reg. 1(2).


Classes of licence and fees payable in respect of applications for licences prescribed (30.05.2012) by Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 (Licensing) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 180 of 2012), in effect as per reg. 1(2).