Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010
F167[Grant and refusal of applications for registration
106H.— (1) The Bank may refuse an application for registration under section 106G only if—
(a) the application does not comply with the requirements of section 106G,
(b) the applicant does not provide any additional documents or information in accordance with a notice given under section 106G,
(c) the Bank has reasonable grounds to be satisfied that information given to the Bank by the applicant in connection with the application is false or misleading in any material particular,
(d) the Bank has reasonable grounds to be satisfied that any of the following persons, is not a fit and proper person:
(i) the applicant;
(ii) in a case in which the applicant is a body corporate or partnership, any principal officer of the body corporate or partnership (as the case may be);
(iii) any person who is, or is proposed to be, a beneficial owner of the applicant,
(e) the applicant has failed to satisfy the Bank that the applicant would, if registered, comply with the obligations imposed on the applicant under this Chapter, or as a designated person under this Part,
(f) the applicant has failed to satisfy the Bank that the applicant’s business risk assessment, policies and procedures are adequate or fit for purpose,
(g) the applicant has failed to satisfy the Bank that it has in place the resources, procedures and arrangements for the provision of the business of a virtual asset service provider and the performance of activities, taking into account the nature, scale and complexity of its business and all the obligations that the provider has to comply with as a designated person under this Act,
(h) the applicant has failed to satisfy the Bank that the applicant would, if registered, comply with each of the following:
(i) any conditions that the Bank would have imposed on the registration concerned, if the Bank had granted the application;
(ii) any prescribed requirements referred to in section 106M,
(i) the applicant is so structured, or the business of the applicant is so organised, that the applicant is not capable of being regulated under this Chapter, or as a designated person under this Part, to the satisfaction of the Bank,
(j) where the applicant fails to demonstrate, where applicable, that it can manage and mitigate the risks of engaging in activities that involve the use of anonymity-enhancing technologies or mechanisms and other technologies that obfuscate the identity of the sender, recipient, holder or beneficial owner of a virtual asset,
(k) in a case where the applicant is a body corporate, the body corporate is being wound up,
(l) in a case where the applicant is a partnership, the partnership is dissolved by the death or bankruptcy of a partner or because of the operation of a provision of the Partnership Act 1890 or otherwise,
(m) in a case where any person referred to in paragraph (d) has been registered to carry on business as a virtual asset service provider in another Member State, and an authority of the other Member State, that performs functions similar to those of the Bank under this Chapter, has terminated the permission of the person to carry on business as a virtual asset service provider in the other Member State,
(n) in a case where the applicant is a subsidiary of a body corporate has been registered to carry on business as a virtual asset service provider in another Member State, and an authority of the other Member State, that performs functions similar to those of the Bank under this Chapter, has terminated the permission of the body corporate to carry on business as a virtual asset service provider in the other Member State, or
(o) there are objective and demonstrable grounds for believing that the management body of the applicant may pose a threat to its sound and prudent management and to the adequate consideration of its clients and the integrity of the market.
(2) If the Bank proposes to refuse an application, the Bank shall serve on the applicant a notice in writing—
(a) specifying the grounds on which the Bank proposes to refuse the application, and
(b) informing the applicant that the applicant may, within 21 days after the service of the notice, make written representations to the Bank showing why the Bank should grant the application.
(3) Not later than 21 days after a notice is served on an applicant under subsection (2), the applicant may make written representations to the Bank showing why the Bank should grant the application.
(4) The Bank may refuse an application only after having considered any representations made by the applicant in accordance with subsection (3).
(5) As soon as practicable after refusing an application, the Bank shall serve a written notice of the refusal on the applicant including a statement setting out the grounds on which the Bank has refused the application.
(6) A decision of the Bank to refuse an application under section 106G is an appealable decision for the purposes of Part VIIA of the Act of 1942.
(7) If the Bank does not refuse the application, it shall grant it and, on granting the application, the Bank shall—
(a) record the appropriate particulars of the applicant in the register of persons permitted by the Bank to carry on business as a virtual asset service provider, and
(b) issue the applicant with a registration that permits the applicant to carry on business as a virtual asset service provider.]
Inserted (23.04.2021) by Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Act 2021 (3/2021), s. 25, S.I. No. 188 of 2021.