Charities Act 2009


Consultative panels.

36.— (1) The Authority may, for the purposes of section 35, establish a panel or more than one panel, consisting of such persons and such number of persons as it may determine, to perform such tasks as are specified in the terms of reference of the panel concerned.

(2) The Authority shall, in relation to a panel, determine—

(a) its terms of reference,

(b) the rules governing its meetings and procedures, and

(c) the date by which the tasks to be performed by it are to be completed.

(3) The Authority shall appoint the members of a panel for such period as it determines not exceeding 2 years.

(4) A member of a panel who has ceased to be a member of that panel by reason of the efflux of time shall be eligible for reappointment to that panel but may not serve more than 2 terms on that panel.

(5) The Authority shall appoint one of the members of a panel to be the chairperson of the panel.

(6) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the terms of reference of a panel may provide for the panel to make observations or proposals concerning—

(a) the effect of the performance by the Authority of its functions under this Act,

(b) any developments within the European Union or internationally that have implications for the Authority in the performance of its functions,

(c) initiatives which, in the opinion of the panel, the Authority could take with respect to the performance of its functions, together with an analysis of the likely cost of those initiatives,

(d) a policy or document, issued or proposed to be issued by the Authority,

(e) guidelines, issued or proposed to be issued by the Authority,

(f) a code of conduct, whether issued or proposed to be issued or approved or proposed to be approved by the Authority,

(g) the performance of the charities sector in any particular area or respect,

(h) an assessment of the effectiveness of the regulation of the administration and operation of charitable fund-raising through codes of conduct.

(7) Not later than 3 months, or such longer period as the Authority may specify, after the end of each year, each panel established under this section shall prepare and submit to the Authority an annual report providing details of its activities during that year.

(8) The Authority shall arrange for publication on the internet of the annual report of each panel established under this section in the year in which it is submitted to the Authority.

(9) The Authority shall arrange for publication on the internet of observations or proposals made by a panel established under this section in the year in which they are made to the Authority.

(10) The Authority shall provide, or arrange for the provision of, such administrative facilities as may be necessary to enable a panel established under this section to perform its functions.

(11) The following allowances and expenses are payable by the Authority:

(a) the travelling and subsistence allowances of panel members in accordance with such scales as may be determined from time to time by the Minister with the consent of the Minister for Finance;

(b) the administrative expenses of a panel.

(12) The Authority may at any time dissolve a panel established under this section.