Broadcasting Act 2009


Issue of television licences by agent.

145.— (1) In this section “issuing agent” means An Post or another person designated by the Minister under subsection (3).

(2) Subject to subsection (12), an issuing agent may, on payment of the appropriate licence fee, issue on behalf of the Minister a television licence in accordance with this Part.

(3) The Minister may by order designate a person other than An Post to be an issuing agent for the purposes of this section other than subsection (12).

(4) An issuing agent may—

(a) collect fees in respect of television licences, and

(b) identify persons who have television sets not authorised by a licence for the time being in force,

on such terms and conditions as the Minister may decide.

(5) Summary proceedings may be brought and prosecuted by an issuing agent for an offence under section 147 (3) or 148 .

(6) An issuing agent shall maintain and furnish such data and information, and in such format (including electronic formats), as the Minister may require in relation to the exercise of powers conferred on the issuing agent under this Part.

(7) An issuing agent shall pay to the Minister such amounts arising in relation to the collection by the issuing agent of fees due in respect of the issue of television licences.

(8) An issuing agent shall pay to the Minister promptly the amounts collected by the issuing agent in respect of the issue of television licences.

(9) The Minister shall pay to an issuing agent an appropriate sum in respect of work done by the issuing agent in the exercise of powers conferred on the issuing agent under this Part.

(10) The appropriate sum payable by the Minister to an issuing agent and the manner in which and the intervals at which it is to be paid shall be decided by the Minister after consultation with the issuing agent.

(11) An issuing agent may, with the consent of the Minister, appoint a sub-agent to perform any acts and exercise any powers (other than subsection (5)) authorised by this Part to be performed or exercised by the issuing agent.

(12) The Department of Social and Family Affairs may issue on behalf of the Minister a television licence to a person who, in accordance with the scheme administered by the Minister for Social and Family Affairs known as a Free Television Licence or any scheme amending or replacing that scheme, is entitled to a television licence under that scheme.

(13) The Department of Social and Family Affairs may, with the consent of the Minister, appoint an agent to issue a television licence for the purposes of subsection (12).

(14) Anything commenced before the passing of this Act by or under the authority of the Minister may, in so far as it relates to the functions under this section, be carried on or completed on or after such commencement by an issuing agent.

(15) (a) The Department of Social Protection shall pay to the Minister such an amount as is determined by the Minister, in consultation with the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform and the Minister for Social Protection, in respect of each licence (if any) issued in accordance with the scheme referred to in subsection (12).

(b) In making a determination for the purposes of paragraph (a), the Minister shall have regard to the ability of RTÉ and TG4 to meet their public service objects.

(16) The Department of Social Protection shall maintain and furnish such data and information, and in such format (including electronic formats), as the Minister, following consultation with the Minister for Social Protection, may require in relation to the exercise of powers conferred on the Department of Social Protection under this Part.




Inserted (2.08.2011) by Communications Regulation (Postal Services) Act 2011 (21/2011), s. 71, commenced on enactment.