Health Act 2007


Removal of members from office.

17.— (1) The Minister may remove all the members of the Board from office if the Board—

(a) does not achieve a quorum for 3 consecutive meetings,

(b) does not comply with a judgment, order or decree of any court,

(c) does not comply with a direction of the Minister or any other requirement imposed on it by or under any enactment including this Act, or

(d) in the Minister’s opinion, is not performing its functions in an effective manner.

(2) If, in the Minister’s opinion, the Board is not performing its functions in an effective manner, the Minister may appoint a person to—

(a) conduct an independent review of any matter giving rise to that opinion, and

(b) submit a report to the Minister on the results of the review.

(3) The Board shall co-operate with any such review and give the person conducting it all reasonable assistance, including access to premises, equipment and records as the person may require for the purposes of the review.

(4) The removal of all the members of the Board does not revoke or otherwise affect any delegation of the Board’s functions to the chief executive officer under section 14(2).