Planning and Development Act 2000

F227[Co-operation of DTA with regional authorities.


31F.F228[(1) Where the regional assemblies in respect of the GDA intend to make a regional spatial and economic strategy in accordance with section 24, or to review the existing strategy under section 26, they shall, as soon as may be, consult with the NTA in order to make the necessary arrangements for making the strategy.]

F229[(2) The NTA shall assist and co-operate with the regional assemblies in respect of the GDA in making arrangements for the preparation of a regional spatial and economic strategy and in carrying out the preparation of the strategy.]

F230[(3) (a) In carrying out its function under subsection (2), the NTA shall prepare and submit to the regional assemblies, within 6 weeks of the commencement of consultation under subsection (1), a report on the issues which, in its opinion, should be considered by the regional assemblies in making a regional spatial and economic strategy.]

(b) The report prepared under paragraph (a) shall address, but shall not be limited to

(i) the transport investment priorities for the period of the F231[regional spatial and economic strategy],

(ii) the scope, if any, to maximise the performance of the transport system by effective land use planning,

(iii) recommendations regarding the optimal use, location, pattern and density of new development taking account of its transport strategy, and

(iv) recommendations on the matters to be addressed in the F231[regional spatial and economic strategy] to ensure effective integration of transport and land use planning. ]




Inserted (4.01.2010) by Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008 (15/2008), s. 95, S.I. No. 574 of 2009.


Substituted (1.06.2014) by Local Government Reform Act 2014 (1/2014), s. 5(7) and sch. 2 part 4 ref. 63, S.I. No. 214 of 2014.


Substituted (1.06.2014) by Local Government Reform Act 2014 (1/2014), s. 5(7) and sch. 2 part 4 ref. 64, S.I. No. 214 of 2014.


Substituted (1.06.2014) by Local Government Reform Act 2014 (1/2014), s. 5(7) and sch. 2 part 4 ref. 65, S.I. No. 214 of 2014.


Substituted (1.06.2014) by Local Government Reform Act 2014 (1/2014), s. 5(7) and sch. 2 part 4 refs. 66, 67, S.I. No. 214 of 2014.