Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022


Amendment of section 153 of Principal Act

49. Section 153 of the Principal Act is amended—

(a) by the insertion of the following definition after the definition of “free television service”:

“‘local sound broadcaster’ means a person holding a sound broadcasting contract under section 63—

(a) which is a contract for the provision of a sound broadcasting service in an area consisting of a part, but not the whole, of the State, and

(b) which is not a contract under section 64 or 68(1)(b);”,


(b) by the substitution of the following definition for the definition of “scheme”:

“‘scheme’ means—

(a) in sections 154 and 155, a scheme prepared under section 154,

(b) in section 155A, a scheme prepared under that section, and

(c) in sections 156 to 159, a scheme prepared under section 154 or 155A.”.