Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Act 2014


Definitions (Chapter 8)

147. In this Chapter—

“accredited”, in relation to a forensic service provider carrying out laboratory activities, means the forensic service provider is accredited by a national accreditation body as complying with the standard EN ISO/IEC 17025 entitled “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”;

“dactyloscopic data” means fingerprint images, images of fingerprint latents, palm prints, palm print latents and templates of such images (coded minutiae);

“forensic service provider” means any organisation, whether public or private, that carries out laboratory activities at the request of competent law enforcement or judicial authorities in the State or a Member State;

“Irish National Accreditation Board” means the committee commonly known by that name established pursuant to section 10 of the Industrial Development Act 1993;

“laboratory activities” means measures taken in a laboratory when locating and recovering traces on items, as well as developing, analysing and interpreting forensic evidence, with a view to providing expert opinions or exchanging forensic evidence;

“national accreditation body” means—

(a) in the case of the State, the Irish National Accreditation Board, and

(b) in the case of a Member State, the sole body in the Member State that performs accreditation with authority derived from the Member State in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008;

“results”, in relation to laboratory activities, means any analytical outputs and directly associated interpretation.