Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013



31.—(1) The Minister may, subject to this Part, pay compensation, the amount of which is to be determined by way of an assessment carried out by a valuer or an arbitrator, in accordance with any guidelines under section 32(6), to the owner of—

(a) a farm animal (including an animal that dies before being killed) other than an animal—

(i) affected with rabies,

(ii) that is killed or destroyed in the circumstance referred to in section 30(1)(h), (i), (j), (k) or (l), or

(iii) to which section 30(1)(h), (i), (j), (k) or (l) relates that dies before being killed,


(b) an animal product, animal feed or other thing relating to a farm animal, (other than the product of a farm animal mentioned in paragraph (a)),

if the farm animal, animal product, animal feed or other thing is affected with a disease or a disease agent and is killed or destroyed under section 30(1) to alleviate the risk of disease, to prevent the spread of disease or to diagnose, control or eradicate disease.

(2) Compensation shall not exceed the open market value of an animal, animal product, animal feed or other thing before its killing or natural death or destruction (less any salvage value or payment under a policy of insurance in respect of it) as if the disease did not exist.

(3) Compensation shall not be applied for or payable, if an applicant has already applied for or received payment for the same farm animal, animal product, animal feed or other thing relating to a farm animal under another enactment or regulations made under the European Communities Act 1972.

(4) An application for compensation shall be in such form and contain such information as the Minister may determine.