Personal Insolvency Act 2012


Valuation of security.

105.— (1) Subject to the provisions of this section the value of security in respect of secured debt for the purposes of this Chapter shall be the market value of the security determined by agreement between the personal insolvency practitioner, the debtor and the relevant secured creditor.

(2) Where the personal insolvency practitioner does not accept a secured creditor’s estimate of the value, if any, of the security furnished by the secured creditor under section 102, the debtor, the personal insolvency practitioner and the secured creditor shall in good faith endeavour to agree the market value for the security having regard to any matter relevant to the valuation of security, including the matters specified in subsection (5).

(3) In the absence of agreement as to the value of the security, the personal insolvency practitioner, the debtor and the relevant secured creditor shall appoint an appropriate independent expert to determine the market value for the security having regard to any matter relevant to the valuation of security, including the matters specified in subsection (5).

(4) Where the personal insolvency practitioner, the debtor and the secured creditor are unable to agree as to the independent expert to be appointed under subsection (3) the issue may be referred by any of them to the Insolvency Service which shall appoint such independent expert as it considers appropriate to determine the market value of the security concerned having regard to any matter relevant to the valuation of security, including the matters specified in subsection (5), and the valuation carried out by such expert shall be binding on the personal insolvency practitioner, the debtor and the secured creditor concerned.

(5) The matters referred to in subsections (2) to (4) as the matters specified in subsection (5) are:

(a) the type of property the subject of the security;

(b) the priority of the security;

(c) the costs of disposing of the property the subject of the security;

(d) the price at which similar property to that which is the subject of the security has been sold within the 12 months prior to the issue of the protective certificate;

(e) the date of the most recent valuation or transaction with respect to the property the subject of the security and the value attributed to the property in respect of that valuation or transaction;

(f) the value attributed to the property the subject of the security in the debtor’s accounting records (if any);

(g) the value attributed to the security in the secured creditor’s accounting records (if any);

(h) whether the market for the type of property the subject of the security is or has been subject to significant changes in conditions;

(i) data made available to the public by the Property Services Regulatory Authority pursuant to Part 12 of the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 and which relate to property similar to the property the subject of the security; and

(j) any relevant statistical index relating to the valuation of the same or similar types of property as the property the subject of the security.

(6) In this section “market value”—

(a) as respects property the subject of security for a secured debt, means the price which that property might reasonably be expected to fetch on a sale in the open market;

(b) as respects security for a secured debt, means the amount that might reasonably be expected to be available to discharge that secured debt, in whole or in part, following realisation of the security by the secured creditor concerned and, where permitted by the terms of the security or otherwise, after deducting all relevant costs and expenses in connection with the realisation of the security.

(7) The creditor concerned and the personal insolvency practitioner shall each pay 50 per cent of the costs of carrying out the valuation by the independent expert pursuant to subsection (3) or (4).

(8) The amount paid by the personal insolvency practitioner pursuant to subsection (7) shall be treated as an outlay for the purposes of the Personal Insolvency Arrangement.

(9) For the purposes of this section, the personal insolvency practitioner, the debtor, the secured creditor concerned and any independent expert shall be entitled to assume, in the absence of any clear evidence to the contrary, that the market value of the security which is a first charge is the lesser of—

(a) an amount equal to the market value of the property the subject of the security, or

(b) unless the nature of the security and the property concerned would make it unreasonable to do so, an amount equal to the market value of the property the subject of the security less an adjustment to that value as respects the costs and expenses which would normally be necessarily incurred by a secured creditor in the realisation of a security of a similar kind to that of the security concerned, provided that the adjustment is no greater than 10 per cent of the market value of the property the subject of the security.