Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012
Removal of doubts.
74.— The Act of 2010 is amended by substituting the following section for section 12:
“12.— (1) Subsection (2) applies where a doubt, question or dispute arises in the operation of this Act in respect of—
(a) whether a person is or is not a person whose public service pension is subject to section 2, or
(b) a case in which section 2 applies to a public service pension, the manner in which it so applies, including in circumstances where a pension adjustment order has been made in relation to the public service pension.
(2) The doubt, question or dispute concerned shall—
(a) be submitted to the Minister by the paying authority in relation to the public service pension concerned, and
(b) be determined by the Minister after consulting such persons (if any) as the Minister considers appropriate in the circumstances,
and the determination of the doubt, question or dispute by the Minister shall be final.”.