Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012


Duty to give information, etc.

49.— (1) A person who applies for or is in receipt of a pension under the Scheme or a pension under a pre-existing public service pension scheme shall, in relation to him or her, give to the relevant authority or other body concerned (being the authority or body that is or would be responsible for or authorises or would authorise the payment of a pension to the person) such information as is necessary for the proper operation of the Scheme or of a pre-existing public service pension scheme as the case may be.

(2) The spouse or civil partner of a deceased member or a deceased member of a pre-existing public service pension scheme, as the case may be, who applies or has applied for a survivor’s pension or a pension for the children of that deceased member shall, in relation to him or her or any of those children, give to the relevant authority or other body concerned (being the authority or body that is or would be responsible for, or authorises or would authorise, the payment of a survivor’s pension or a pension for the children of any such deceased member) such information as is necessary for the proper operation of the Scheme or of a pre-existing public service pension scheme, as the case may be.

(3) A person having the care of a child of a deceased member or a deceased member of a pre-existing public service pension scheme, as the case may be, who applies or has applied for a children’s pension in respect of that child shall give to the relevant authority or other body concerned (being the authority or body that is or would be responsible for, or authorises or would authorise, the payment of a pension in respect of that child) such information as is necessary for the proper operation of the Scheme or of a pre-existing public service pension scheme, as the case may be, in relation to that child.

(4) The legal personal representative of a deceased member or a deceased member of a pre-existing public service pension scheme, as the case may be, shall give to a relevant authority such information as is necessary for the proper operation of the Scheme or of a pre-existing public service pension scheme in relation to any payments under it to the legal personal representative.

(5) Any person to whom subsections (1) to (4) do not apply—

(a) who applies for a pension under the Scheme or a pre-existing public service pension scheme shall give to a relevant authority or other body concerned (being the authority or body that would be responsible for, or would authorise, the payment of the pension concerned) such information as is necessary for the proper operation of the Scheme or the pre-existing public service pension scheme by the relevant authority, or

(b) who is in receipt of a pension (whether in respect of himself or herself or otherwise) under the Scheme or a pre-existing public service pension scheme shall give to a relevant authority or other body concerned (being the authority or body that is responsible for, or authorises, the payment of the pension concerned) such information as is necessary for the proper operation of the Scheme or the pre-existing public service pension scheme in respect of the pension concerned.

(6) Any person who—

(a) applies for or is in receipt of more than one pension under either or both the Scheme and a pre-existing public service pension scheme (whether in respect of himself or herself or otherwise), or

(b) applies for one or more than one such pension while in receipt of one or more than one such pension,

shall give to the relevant authority or other body concerned (being the authority or body that is or would be responsible for, or authorises or would authorise, the payment of any of the pensions concerned) such information as is necessary to identify, in relation to him or her or any other person in respect of whom the pension is payable or applied for, all such pensions and applications for pensions.

(7) A relevant authority that is responsible for or authorises the payment of pensionable remuneration to a Scheme member or to a member of a pre-existing public service pension scheme shall give the Minister or another relevant authority such information—

(a) as that relevant authority considers necessary for the proper operation of Part 2 or of the pre-existing public service pension scheme concerned,

(b) as may be requested by the Minister, or

(c) as may be requested by any other relevant authority for the proper operation of Part 2 or of the pre-existing public service pension scheme concerned,

in respect of any matter to which subsection (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) or (6) relates.