National Asset Management Agency Act 2009


Chief Executive Officer’s functions.

38.— (1) The Chief Executive Officer shall manage and control generally the administration and business of NAMA and the staff assigned to it, and shall perform any other functions conferred on him or her by or under this Act or by the Board.

(2) The Chief Executive Officer is responsible to the Board for the performance of his or her functions and the implementation of NAMA’s strategic targets and objectives.

(3) Such of the functions of the Chief Executive Officer as he or she may from time to time specify, with the consent of the Board, may be performed by an officer or officers of NAMA authorised by the Chief Executive Officer for that purpose. A reference in a provision of this Act to the Chief Executive Officer includes any officer so authorised.

(4) The functions of the Chief Executive Officer may be performed during his or her absence or when the position of Chief Executive Officer is vacant by an officer of NAMA designated for that purpose by the Board. A reference in a provision of this Act to the Chief Executive Officer includes any officer so designated.

(5) The Chief Executive Officer is the person who is accountable for the purposes of the Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment) Act 1993.