National Asset Management Agency Act 2009


Notice to treat.

164.— (1) Where an acquisition order has been made, NAMA may serve a notice (referred to as a notice to treat) on every owner, lessee and occupier of the land (except tenants for a month or a shorter period).

(2) A notice to treat—

(a) shall state that NAMA is willing to treat for the purchase of the several interests in the land, and

(b) shall require each owner, lessee and occupier—

(i) to state within a specified period (not less than one month from the date of service of the notice to treat) the exact nature of the interest in respect of which he or she claims compensation and details of the compensation claimed, and

(ii) if NAMA so requires, to distinguish separate amounts of that compensation in such manner as NAMA specifies in the notice to treat and show how each such amount is calculated.

(3) A notice to treat served under subsection (1) shall be taken to be a notice to treat for the purposes of the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act 1919.