National Asset Management Agency Act 2009


Initial notice of acquisition.

160.— (1) NAMA shall publish a notice (in this Chapter called the “initial notice”), in the form (if any) prescribed by the Minister by regulations, of an application under section 159 in a daily newspaper circulating in the State generally.

(2) NAMA shall serve a copy of an initial notice on every person who appears to NAMA to have an estate or interest in the land concerned, so far as it is reasonably practicable to ascertain those persons. However, failure to serve an initial notice on every such person does not invalidate the acquisition order concerned.

(3) An initial notice—

(a) shall include a statement that persons claiming an estate or interest in the land concerned have the right to lodge with the Court, within 21 days after the publication of the notice, an objection to the making of an acquisition order in relation to the land, and

(b) shall specify the times and places where the maps, plans and books of reference deposited in accordance with section 161 can be inspected.