National Asset Management Agency Act 2009


Prevention of corruption.

16.— (1) To avoid doubt, the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1889 to 2001 apply to—

(a) every officer of NAMA,

(b) the Chief Executive Officer,

(c) the other members of the Board, and

(d) every director of a NAMA group entity.

(2) Where in any proceedings against a person who performs functions for or on or behalf of NAMA, or who performs functions connected to the valuation of eligible bank assets, for an offence under the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 or the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906 it is shown that—

(a) any gift, consideration or advantage has been given to or received by the person, and

(b) the person who gave the gift, consideration or advantage or on whose behalf the gift, consideration or advantage was given was—

(i) a person who is a debtor in relation to an eligible bank asset, or

(ii) an associated debtor of such a person,

the gift or consideration or advantage shall be taken, unless the contrary is proved, to have been given and received corruptly as an inducement to or reward for the person performing or omitting to perform any of those functions.