Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Act 2003
Establishment of Foundation.
6. —(1) There shall stand established on the establishment day an agency of Forfás to be known as Science Foundation Ireland or, in the Irish language, Fondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann to perform the functions assigned to it by this Act and is referred to in this Act as the “Foundation”.
(2) The Foundation shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and an official seal.
(3) The Foundation shall have the power to sue and be sued in its own name.
(4) The Foundation shall have the power to acquire, hold and dispose of land or an interest in land and to acquire, hold and dispose of any other property.
Modifications (not altering text):
References to Enterprise Ireland, IDA or Science Foundation construed (16.07.2014) by Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Act 2014 (13/2014), s. 17, S.I. No. 304 of 2014.
References to agencies of Forfás
17. On and after the dissolution day, a reference in any enactment to Enterprise Ireland, IDA or Science Foundation Ireland as an agency of Forfás shall be construed as a reference to Enterprise Ireland, IDA or Science Foundation Ireland as appropriate.