Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000

Amendment of section 31 (sale, purchase and possession of certain perching birds prohibited) of Principal Act.


39.—Section 31 of the Principal Act is hereby amended—

(a) by the addition, to subsection (1), after “bred in captivity” of “; but nothing in this subsection shall make unlawful the possession consequent upon the capture of any such bird pursuant to and in accordance with a licence or permission granted under this Act”, and

(b) by the substitution, in subsection (4), of “not later than 10 days after it has been hatched” for “while a fledgling”,

and the said subsections (1) and (4), as so amended, are set out in the Table to this section.


(1) It shall be an offence for any person to sell, purchase or have in his possession a live perching bird to which this section applies other than a close-ringed specimen bred in captivity; but nothing in this subsection shall make unlawful the possession consequent upon the capture of any such bird pursuant to and in accordance with a licence or permission granted under this Act.

(4) In this section “close-ringed specimen” means a specimen of live perching bird (order Passeriformes) fitted with a continuous metal band or ring which has been slipped over its foot and on to its leg not later than 10 days after it has been hatched.