Planning and Development Act 2000
165.—In this Part—
“development agency” means the Industrial Development Agency (Ireland), Enterprise Ireland, F692[…] Údarás na Gaeltachta, the National Building Agency Limited, F693[the Grangegorman Development Agency, F695[the Land Development Agency, a local authority or such other person as may be prescribed by the Minister for the purposes of this Part;]]
F694["relevant public land" has the same meaning as it has in the Land Development Agency Act 2021;]
“strategic development zone” means a site or sites to which a planning scheme made under section 169 applies.
Deleted (5.09.2014) by State Airports (Shannon Group) Act 2014 (27/2014), s. 37(1), commenced as per s. 43 and S.I. No. 396 of 2014.
Substituted (11.07.2005) by Grangegorman Development Agency Act 2005 (21/2005), s. 42, commenced on enactment.
Inserted (31.03.2022) by Land Development Agency Act 2021 (26/2021), s. 78(b)(i), S.I No. 143 of 2022.
Substituted (31.03.2022) by Land Development Agency Act 2021 (26/2021), s. 78(b)(ii), S.I. No 143 of 2022.