Planning and Development Act 2000
F592[Board to have regard to certain policies and objectives.
143.—(1) F593[The Board shall, in the performance of its functions (other than functions conferred by Chapter III of Part XXI), have regard to]—
(a) the policies and objectives for the time being of the Government, a State authority, the Minister, planning authorities and any other body which is a public authority whose functions have, or may have, a bearing on the proper planning and sustainable development of cities, towns or other areas, whether urban or rural,
(b) the national interest and any effect the performance of the Board’s functions may have on issues of strategic economic or social importance to the State, and
(c) the F594[National Planning Framework] and any F595[regional spatial and economic strategy] for the time being in force.
(2) In this section "public authority" means any body established by or under statute which is for the time being declared, by regulations made by the Minister, to be a public authority for the purposes of this section.]
Substituted (17.10.2006) by Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act 2006 (27/2006), s. 26, S.I. No. 525 of 2006.
Substituted (1.10.2022) by Maritime Area Planning Act 2021 (50/2021), s. 174 and sch. 12 ref. no. 20, S.I. No. 488 of 2022.
Substituted (22.10.2018) by Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2018 (16/2018), s. 18(2) and sch. 3 ref. no. 10, S.I. No. 436 of 2018.
Substituted (1.06.2014) by Local Government Reform Act 2014 (1/2014), s. 5(7) and sch. 2 part 4 ref. 80, S.I. No. 214 of 2014.