Planning and Development Act 2000
Meetings and procedure of Board.
111.—(1) The Board shall hold such and so many meetings as may be necessary for the performance of its functions.
(2) The chairperson and each ordinary member at a meeting of the Board shall have a vote.
(3) At a meeting of the Board—
(a) the chairperson shall, if present, be chairperson of the meeting,
(b) if the chairperson is not present the deputy chairperson shall, if present, be chairperson of the meeting, and
(c) if neither the chairperson nor the deputy chairperson is present, the ordinary members who are present shall choose one of their number to be chairperson of the meeting.
(4) Every question at a meeting of the Board relating to the performance of its functions shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and, in the event that voting is equally divided, the person who is chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
(5) (a) Subject to this Act, and to any regulations made thereunder, and subject also to any other enactment or order, regulation or other instrument thereunder, which regulates or otherwise affects the procedure of the Board, the Board shall regulate its own procedure and business.
(b) The Minister may require the Board to keep him or her informed of the arrangements made under this subsection for the regulation of its procedure and business.
(6) (a) Subject to paragraph (b) and (c), the Board may perform any of its functions through or by any member of the Board or other person who has been duly authorised by the Board in that behalf.
(b) Paragraph (a) shall be construed as enabling a member of the Board finally to determine points of detail relating to a decision on a particular case if the case to which an authorisation under that paragraph relates has been considered at a meeting of the Board prior to the giving of the authorisation and that determination shall conform to the terms of that authorisation.
(c) Paragraph (a) shall not be construed as enabling the Board to authorise a person who is not a member of the Board finally to determine any particular case with which the Board is concerned.
(7) The Board shall arrange to keep a written record of all its decisions including the names of those present at a meeting of the Board and the number of those persons who vote for or against those decisions.
F563[(8) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act, a meeting of An Bord Pleanála, including a division of the board, may take place using remote video or telephone conferencing facilities or by any means of communication by which all of the board members and other persons participating in different locations can hear and be heard at the same time.
(9) In subsection (8), "meeting" includes any meeting for the purpose of making any decision in relation to any appeal, referral or application.]
Inserted (10.01.2023) by Planning and Development and Foreshore (Amendment) Act 2022 (47/2022), s. 12, S.I. No. 1 of 2023.