Education Act 1998
51.—(1) The Minister may make regulations as he or she from time to time considers appropriate for the effective conduct of examinations and in particular, without prejudice to the generality of the aforesaid, may make regulations relating to—
(a) the preparation of an examination paper and other examination materials,
(b) procedures at places where examinations are conducted, including the supervision of examinations,
(c) the marking of work presented for examination,
(d) the issuing of results of examinations,
(e) the charging and collection of fees for examinations,
(f) the terms under which candidates may appeal against the results of an examination and the procedure for such appeals,
(g) the penalties to be imposed on a person who acts in breach of regulations made by the Minister or who otherwise misconducts himself or herself in respect of an examination, and
(h) the designation of places where examinations may be held.
(2) The Minister may from time to time appoint a person or a body of persons to advise him or her on any matter relating to the examinations or to supervise or review any part of the conduct of the examinations, including appeals by candidates against the results of examinations.