Universities Act 1997



58.(1) For the purposes of the appeal for which an appeals board is appointed under section 57, the board—

(a) shall request submissions from the parties to the appeal and the parties shall furnish the submissions to the appeals board within the period specified in the request,

(b) following consideration of those submissions may hold a hearing, and

(c) may request such information from the parties to the appeal, or any other person as the appeals board considers necessary for the proper performance of its functions, and the parties to the appeal or other person, as the case may be, shall furnish the information to the appeals board within the period specified in the request.

(2) If a hearing is held—

(a) each of the parties to the appeal is entitled to be heard at the hearing, and

(b) the appeals board may adjourn the hearing of a matter at any stage in the proceedings until a date specified by the board.

(3) A decision by a majority of the members of an appeals board shall suffice for any purpose.

(4) In considering an appeal under this section an appeals board shall consider—

(a) submissions from the parties to the appeal,

(b) the evidence presented at any hearing of the matter, and

(c) all information furnished to the appeals board.

(5) On completion of its consideration of the appeal, the appeals board shall make a decision determining the appeal as soon as practicable in all the circumstances of the case, which may be a determination to—

(a) affirm the decision concerned of the Minister, or

(b) quash the decision concerned of the Minister and direct the Minister, for stated reasons, to reconsider his or her decision within a specified period.

(6) In a case in which the subject of the appeal is a decision of the Minister to make a revocation order in respect of an authorised provider and the appeals board makes a determination under subsection (5)(a) to affirm that decision, the board shall, at the same time, specify a date that is to be the date specified in the revocation order as the date on which the order shall come into operation and the revocation order made by the Minister shall specify, as the date on which it shall come into operation, the foregoing date.

(7) The appeals board shall notify the parties to the appeal and the Minister of its determination under subsection (5) as soon as practicable after it is made.

(8) In the case of a determination under subsection (5)(b), the Minister shall reconsider his or her decision within the specified period or the specified period as extended for a further period by the appeals board following:

(a) a request from the Minister;

(b) consultation with the parties to the appeal; and

(c) the board being satisfied that there is good and sufficient reason for so extending.

(9) Where having reconsidered, on foot of a direction under subsection (5)(b), his or her decision to refuse to make a university authorisation order in respect of an education provider, the Minister decides to make a university authorisation order in respect of the provider, the Minister shall, subject to section 54(9), make the order accordingly.]




Inserted (6.08.2019) by Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) (Amendment) Act 2019 (32/2019), s. 37(3), S.I. No. 419 of 2019.