Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994
Threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour in public place.
6.—(1) It shall be an offence for any person in a public place to use or engage in any threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or being reckless as to whether a breach of the peace may be occasioned.
(2) A person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding F7[€1,000] or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months or to both.
Substituted (30.07.2008) by Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008 (17/2008), s. 22 and sch. 2, S.I. No. 286 of 2008. A fine of €1,000 translates into a class D fine, not greater than €1,000, as provided (4.01.2011) by Fines Act 2010 (8/2010), ss. 3, 7(3) and table ref. no. 1, S.I. No. 662 of 2010.
Editorial Notes:
Persons convicted of offence under section may be subject to restriction on movement orders as provided (2.10.2006) by Criminal Justice Act 2006 (26/2006), s. 101 and sch. 3 para. 1, S.I. No. 390 of 2006.
Persons convicted of offence under section may be subject to exclusion order as provided (28.06.2003) by Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 2003 (16/2003), s. 3(1), commenced as per s. 1(7).