Child Care Act 1991
Powers of the Minister.
69.—(1) The Minister may give general directions to F391[the F392[Child and Family Agency]] in relation to the performance of the functions assigned to it by or under this Act and F391[the F393[Agency]] shall comply with any such direction.
(2) The Minister may cause to be inspected any service provided or premises F394[maintained by the F392[Child and Family Agency], or by a person who is taking care of a child on behalf of the F392[Child and Family Agency], under this Act, or by a person referred to in section 23B(4) (inserted by section 10 of the Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011)].
(3) An inspection under this section shall be conducted by a person authorised in that behalf by the Minister (in this section referred to as an authorised person).
(4) An authorised person conducting an inspection under this section may—
(a) enter any premises F395[maintained by the F392[Child and Family Agency], or by a person who is taking care of a child on behalf of the F392[Child and Family Agency], under this Act, or by a person referred to in section 23B(4) (inserted by section 10 of the Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011)] and make such examination into the state and management of the premises and the treatment of children therein as he thinks fit, and
(b) examine such records and interview F396[employees of the F392[Child and Family Agency] or of a person referred to in paragraph (a)] as he thinks fit.
(5) The Minister may direct F391[the F392[Child and Family Agency]] to supply him with such reports and statistics in relation to the performance of the functions assigned to it by or under this Act as he may require and F391[the F392[Child and Family Agency]] shall comply with any such direction.
Substituted (1.01.2005) by Health Act 2004 (42/2004), s. 75 and sch. 7 part 6 item 67, S.I. No. 887 of 2004.
Substituted (1.01.2014) by Child and Family Agency Act 2013 (40/2013), s. 97 and sch. 2 part 4 item 1, S.I. No. 502 of 2013.
Substituted (1.01.2014) by Child and Family Agency Act 2013 (40/2013), s. 97 and sch. 2 part 4 item 2, S.I. No. 502 of 2013.
Substituted (30.09.2011) by Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011 (19/2011), s. 26(a), S.I. No. 497 of 2011.
Substituted (30.09.2011) by Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011 (19/2011), s. 26(b), S.I. No. 497 of 2011.
Substituted (30.09.2011) by Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011 (19/2011), s. 26(c), S.I. No. 497 of 2011.
Editorial Notes:
Previous affecting provision: subss. (2), (4) amended by Health Act 2004 (42/2004), s. 75 and sch. 7 part 6 item 67(b), (c); substituted as per F-note above.