Child Care Act 1991

Children who become adopted.


44.F304[(1) Where a child is adopted under the Adoption Act 2010 and the child, immediately before the adoption, was being maintained in foster care by the F305[Child and Family Agency] with the adopter or adopters, the F305[Child and Family Agency], subject to

(a) any general directions that may be given by the Minister, and

(b) any conditions that may be imposed by the F305[Child and Family Agency],

may contribute to the childs maintenance as if the child continued to be in foster care.

(2) Where a child is adopted under the Adoption Act 2010, any care order in force in respect of the child ceases to have effect.]




Substituted (1.11.2010) by Adoption Act 2010 (21/2010), s. 158(e), S.I. No. 511 of 2010.


Substituted (1.01.2014) by Child and Family Agency Act 2013 (40/2013), s. 97 and sch. 2 part 4 item 1, S.I. No. 502 of 2013.

Editorial Notes:


Previous affecting provision: subss. (1) substituted and (2) amended (1.01.2005) by Health Act 2004 (42/2004), s. 75 and sch. 7, part 6, item 50(a) and (b), S.I. No. 887 of 2004; substituted as per F-note above.