Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act 1990
F14[Authorisation of use of realistic imitation firearms at specified venues, theatres, etc.
9B.— (1) The Superintendent of any district may authorise in writing the possession, use or carriage of realistic imitation firearms in that district at a specified location during such period, not exceeding one year, as may be specified in the authorisation.
(2) A Superintendent shall not grant an authorisation under this section unless he or she is satisfied having regard to all the circumstances (including the provision made or to be made for the storage of realistic imitation firearms to which the authorisation (if granted) would relate and the supervision of their use) that the possession, use or carriage, as the case may be, of realistic imitation firearms in pursuance of the authorisation will not endanger the public safety or the peace.
(3) Where it is proposed to grant an authorisation under this section in respect of a specified location, the authorisation shall be granted to the person in charge of the specified location and where there is a contravention of a condition imposed in relation to the grant of such an authorisation and the contravention is proved to have been committed with the consent or approval of or to have been facilitated by any neglect on the part of the person to whom the authorisation is granted, that person shall be guilty of an offence under this Act.
(4) A Superintendent may impose in relation to the grant of an authorisation under this section such conditions (if any) as he considers necessary to prevent danger to the public and, where a condition is imposed, it shall be specified in the authorisation.
(5) An authorisation under this section may be revoked at any time by the Superintendent of the District in which it is granted.
(6) A person who contravenes a condition imposed in relation to the grant of an authorisation under this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of up to €5,000 or up to 12 months imprisonment.]
Inserted (1.08.2009) by Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 (28/2009), s. 40, S.I. No. 310 of 2009. A fine of €5,000 translates into a class A fine, not greater than €5,000, as provided (4.01.2011) by Fines Act 2010 (8/2010), ss. 3, 4(3) and table ref. no. 1, S.I. No. 662 of 2010.
Substituted by Garda Síochána (Functions and Operational Areas) Act 2022 (7/2022), s. 4(1) and sch. 1 ref. 16, not commenced as of date of revision, subject to transitional provisions in ss. 13, 19, 26.
Modifications (not altering text):
Prospective affecting provision: subss. (1), (5) amended by Garda Síochána (Functions and Operational Areas) Act 2022 (7/2022), s. 4(1) and sch. 1 ref. 16, not commenced as of date of revisionsubject to transitional provisions in ss. 13, 19, 26.
9B.— (1) F15[A Superintendent in a Garda division may authorise in writing the possession, use or carriage of realistic imitation firearms in that division] at a specified location during such period, not exceeding one year, as may be specified in the authorisation.
(5) An authorisation under this section may be revoked at any time by F15[a Superintendent in the Garda division] in which it is granted.