Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1980

Notice of intention to claim relief.

[New in pt. cf. 1931, s. 24; 1960, s. 54 (2) (iv) (vi); 1967, No. 10, s. 13 (3) (iii), (iv)]


20.(1) A claim for a new tenancy under this Part shall not be maintained unless the claimant, within the time limited in subsection (2), serves on each person against whom the claim is intended to be made a notice of intention to claim relief in the prescribed form.

(2) A notice of intention to claim relief may be served—

(a) in the case of a tenancy terminating by the expiration of a term of years or other certain period or by any other certain event—

(i) before the termination of the tenancy, or

(ii) at any time thereafter but before the expiration of three months after the service (not earlier than three months before the termination of the tenancy) on the claimant by the landlord of notice in the prescribed form of the expiration of the term or period or the happening of the event;

(b) in the case of a tenancy terminating by the fall of a life or any other uncertain event—at any time but before the expiration of three months after the service on the claimant by the landlord of notice in the prescribed form of the happening of the event;

(c) in the case of a tenancy which is terminable by notice to quit—at any time but before the expiration of three months (or, in the case of premises to which section 14 or 15 applies, six months) after the service of the notice;

(d) in the case of a tenancy to which section 29 applies—within six months after the commencement of this Act.

(3) The notice may include a claim in the alternative for compensation.