Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Act 2020


Amendment of section 13 of Act of 2011

145. Section 13 of the Act of 2011 is amended—

(a) in subsection (2), by the substitution of the following paragraphs for paragraph (h):

“(h) subject to subsection (3A), the establishment, membership, functions and procedures of subcommittees of committees, including—

(i) in the case of the Preliminary Proceedings Committee, subcommittees to give initial consideration to complaints on behalf of that Committee, and

(ii) in the case of the Fitness to Practise Committee, subcommittees inquiring, on behalf of that Committee, into complaints referred to that Committee,

(ha) the recognition of a qualification held by a person,”,


(b) by the insertion of the following subsection after subsection (3):

“(3A) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (2)(h), rules made under that subsection may provide that—

(a) the chairperson of the Preliminary Proceedings Committee, or such other member of that Committee who is authorised by the rules to do so, may establish, in accordance with the rules, a subcommittee referred to in subsection (2)(h)(i), or

(b) the chairperson of the Fitness to Practise Committee, or such other member of that Committee who is authorised by the rules to do so, may establish, in accordance with the rules, a subcommittee referred to in subsection (2)(h)(ii).”.